Incredible! Look what they did to the Ancient Egyptians dogs were dying… [photo]

In front of a creepy archaeological find…
found archaeologists who carried out excavations in Egypt, after they spotted… jars filled with dead dogs, which would suggest a very different method of burial of animals.
These are two well-preserved mummies of dogs is 3,000 years old, to which archaeologists gave the nicknames Houdini καιΤσιούι.
THE mummies of dogs were discovered at Shunet ez Zebib , a large brick structure in the Αβυδο – one of the oldest monuments of the royal period of Egypt. The monument was built around 2750 bc.X. and it was dedicated to the Κασεκέμβι , a king of the second dynasty.
The Salima Ικραμ, a leading expert on mummies of animals analysed the results of the excavation and presents the results of the: “Of the many jars that were recovered, only 13 have so far been investigated properly . Of these, four were empty, three contained birds Ιμπις and the five of them had dogs”
Of these 5 containers with the dogs, while the three pots contained bones and remnants of a dog, the last two that were hiding inside the Houdini and Chewie, were the animals with their fur largely intact.
“Although it is common to find dead birds in jars, it’s rare to find other animals buried in this way” explains the Ικραμ speaking to Discovery News.
“These jars maybe it was made for some storage, and then reused as coffins for the dogs. It’s impressive, the dogs are almost intact,” explains the Ικρα.
Houdini was found in a large jar with two handles and was buried without any wrappings. “I couldn’t understand how such a large animal fit into the pot so we named him Houdini,” explains the Ικράμ.
The fur of the animal was brown with auburn parts darker and harder, like it was laced with some substance , such as oil or even resin .
“It looks like it was placed in the jar with the back legs first and the rest of the body he twisted and pushed inside.” explains the Ικραμ.