They wonder why both the relatives of the victims of the tragic Tembe accident and the opposition blame the government for cover-up. Several talk about excesses of parties aimed only at hurting the government as – as they claim – it is absolutely paradoxical to accuse ministers and government agents of preparing and implementing a cover-up plan to prevent the truth from coming to light. “What purpose would that serve? “ They even wonder in public. The question is whether those who support this account have thought that there is something worse than the cover-up. And that is nothing but impotence. Because how can one understand, that in Greece of 2023 and the epitelic state, telemanagement, traffic lights and cameras that recorded the train route did not work. How is it that within a few hours, the site of the accident is being remanded and all the elements destroyed in the sense that this was done “for good” . And who can believe that two years after the tragic accident relatives and state still oppose how many cars the train had but also what the fatal train carried. I will not go into the subject of examination because there is clearly a degree from the government’s side to close as the case as some of the Prime Minister’s colleagues had convinced him that the matter had taken its course. “Tembys were judged in the 2023 election”, they responded to government officials to which criticism was being made even pointing out that no incriminating evidence has been produced for any political executive but neither for government manipulations. The citizens are therefore called upon to decide. Is it conceivable or impotence? Obviously they can be both. The cover-up came to cover the incompetence of those who did not understand what happened on that sad night of February 28, 2023. But the truth is that impotence is much more serious than cover-up, because it leaves room for other mistakes and other omissions that can cost lives. And the incompetence along with arrogance is disastrous, because no one can imagine that no government in it and in this party understood that the political restoration of the officials involved in the case—even if elected by their party armies—would bring tsunami reactions. It has also proved that communication in managing such a matter alone is not enough. It takes empathy to realize that what you say and do causes. And especially that you anger people who hurt and every day they seek justice. The parents and relatives of the victims.
Incompetence is worse than cover-up.