In search of a needle in the cosmic barn

Writes Stavros Καρατζίκος, Phd in Theoretical Physics
Always the people were excited by the idea of the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet, by carrying out so systematic…
investigations for the discovery of.
In October 1992, the space agency of USA (NASA) announced an important program for detecting radio signals of artificial origin (SETI), using radio telescopes placed around the world.
A similar program (Breakthrough Listen) announced last year with the participation of the famous astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, and the financing of the Russian entrepreneur, Yuri Milner. In the framework of this program will be used, some of the largest radio telescopes in the world, to look for characteristics of radio signals that could signify the existence of “intelligent life” in the universe.
Beyond the effort to record signal out of the planet Earth, that we have tried from our side to plead our presence.
Initially, the spacecraft Pioneer 10, launched in 1972, it carries a πλάκα1 which contains basic information about the human kind (solar system, picture of a man and a woman etc). The fun is in essence a kind of interstellar message in a bottle”.
A more processed message was transmitted from the radio telescope Arecibo in 1974. A very powerful radio signal with a destination of the star cluster M13 in the constellation of Ηρακλή1. From all of the above projects arise some fundamental questions…
Are we really sure that we want to reach a recipient what the message is? The Χόκινγκ2 had suggested in the past that instead of trying to communicate it would be good to avoid any contact. In accordance with statement rules2:
“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be like when Columbus arrived in America The natives didn’t end so well…”
From the other hand, the chief astronomer of SETI, Seth Σόστακ, it considers excessive the above fears and does not understand why the aliens would have any incentive to wipe out the planet Γη3.
Any discovery of an alien signal will result immediately in a cross-cultural dialogue? The probability of existence of a civilization within 100 light-years from Earth is ελάχιστη1. A message from a transmitter that is 100 light years away would take 100 years to reach us, and obviously, but 100 years to return to him our answer. Any form of discussion with another culture, in theory, would require centuries.
I wonder how many are the chances we are alone?
Many years ago the great Italian Physicist, Enrico Φέρμι1,had argued that if intelligent life is widespread, then the Earth would have already are colonized by aliens: “If there were, it would be here.”
In contrast,the Hawking ranks of the optimists and believes that it is very reasonable to assume that there may be somewhere else, “intelligent life”. The same point of view espoused and the Σόστακ: “There are 150 billion galaxies other than our own, and each of them has a few tens of billions of planets very similar to Earth. If the Earth is the only place in the universe that something interesting happens, then it’s a miracle”.
Finally, the American astronomer and cosmologist Carl Sagan έγραφε4 in 1980: “If only we, all this space seems to be wasted”.
Of course, after all these years, he still hasn’t discovered anything. It is extremely difficult. O american astronomer and pioneer of research on the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, Frank Drake, παραδέχεται5: “Even if we were looking in the right direction and listening in the proper frequency, the probability of us sent a message while we’re looking at, of course, is not very large. Playing lottery with a minimum of only raffle tickets”.
However, the telescopes are pointing up towards the sky, and the efforts continue!