Nicos is on the track! Two women, Theodora Jackris and Yota Pulou, as the column announced, drew the smudge and Syriza fell to 29 MPs (out of 47 elected in June 2023). He’s in third place now. PASOK with 31 MPs changes track without moving his finger. Nikos Androuliakis moves from the cramped office of the third party, to the “luxury” office 69, the floor of the House, the main opposition and PASOK gets a series of parliamentary privileges. Syriza holds the keys and the annual state grant of €4 million. Together! The decision to leave together, Jackris and Pulou, was actually made at Monday’s “secret dinner”, at the offices of Taurus. The goal was not to take the burden of the crucial vote with which Syriza would lose the position of the main opposition, only Jaqri. Evangelos Apostolakis who was also present at the dinner, is also acting determined to be independent but not so quickly. Because he is a Member of State he invited Tsipras to tell him what to do with his seat. But he knows that this call will never be made to him, because of the former Prime Minister’s choice to keep distance from the events of Syriza. Apostolakis is currently away in Canada for NATO and will be back in the middle of next week. He has joined Kasselakis and seems to follow the path of independence, sooner or later. The other MPs will appear to remain close to Kasselakis is Alekos Avlonitis and Rallia Christidou (total 5 so far). London Peter Pappas who was the first to be independent by denouncing as undemocratic SYRIZA and fencing in the tele-windows for Kasselakis, these days he is missing in London. Neither will he be in the presentation of the Declaration and the name of the Kasselakis party. As he has stated in NEWSIT he will remain independent and will not join a party. There were rumors of flirting with PASOK. Giannis Sarakiotis and Giorgos Gavrilos resigned from their parliamentary duties in Syriza and have expressed themselves in favour of Kasselakis but have not yet decided on their next steps. The elections will be for a new president of SYRIZA on Sunday 24/11 and 1/12 (b round). The next day of Syriza will be different if Famelos or Polakis are elected. Distances Nina The licentious MP of SYRIZA Nina Kasimati who was one of the most fanatical “Kasselistas” and was fighting media battles, in recent days has disappeared. Her first public appearance will be made on Monday in a passocian environment. He will speak with PASOK President Nikos Androulakis, in the presentation of the university paper on political history “First FORA ARISTER – Contrastances, contradictions, internal conflicts in PASOK in 1974-1990”, by Vasilis Asimakopoulos, who is re-released from Gutenberg publications. Standing by In the new geography of Parliament, independent Members are important. The column contacted three whose name is being discussed. Former SYRIZA MP Athena Linou. He is preparing to move court against Paul Polakis for the slanders he launched against the NGO that was president and which he denies. He feels free as an independent he will not make political moves in the near future. The Professor who comes from the Port of Freedom, independent MP Michalis Hurdakis, admits that discussions were held with officials from other political areas but is far from making a decision. The Independent MP, Viriti Papaioannou, who also comes from the Port of Freedom, admits that there have been discussions with officials from other places – not about accession. But it does not rule it out in the future to make a move after assessing the correlations that will prevail. The government turns page Determined to leave behind the chapter of the deletion of former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is alleged. After all the explanations were given for the reasons that prompted him to make this difficult decision, the government will not follow up on an issue that also causes her an internal party problem. Maximos’ approach to former Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis is completely different. He does. The political behaviour of the two former prime ministers sparked scenarios for the Presidency of the Republic of Costas Karamanlis. The condition is that there should be alliances to be voted on by other party forces if, of course, the one who generally appears to be negative too. In the coming period the government will focus on everyday life and the budget relating to citizens’ lives. There’s not the knife crisis and it’ll show if he wins the bet. Love and warmth As he told the newsIT top executive of the government “if we lose it will not be because we erased Samara, but because we did not meet the citizens’ expectations.” Kyriakos Mitsotakis will continue his tours in Attica and the region and the ND will continue the strategy “love and predrem” especially to the unhappy MPs. The reshuffle placed after the election for the Presidency of the Republic is expected to be sweeping and with the entry of ND MPs and removal of extra-parliamentary persons. Open an office! A political office in the northern sector where the Deputy Minister, despite Prime Minister and government representative Paul Marinakis, will come down to Parliament. Of course with the blessings of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. His candidacy will be officially announced. He has densed his appearances in party activities in the northern sector. He attended the opening of the offices of the local organization of the ND in New Philadelphia, in a speech at Maroussi etc. Hatzigiannis and Onirama at the M.E. After the loss of whether Savvopoulos or Remos would sing at the long-awaited opening of the metro Thessaloniki – even sparked scripts for a government finger – the golden incision was found. On Friday, November 29, Culture Minister Lina Mendoni will present the archaeological findings at Venizelos station and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis will give a speech on Saturday 30th in Pylaia. The subway will be operational. The party was organized by the municipality of Thessaloniki. On 30/11 he will light the huge Christmas tree that began setting up in Aristotle Square. Michael Hatzigiannis and Onirama will sing. Everything’s fine. A galloping from markets in the first half of the 20s Since January 2020 to the present day, international shares show an increase of close to 50%, nominal GDP in the US has increased by more than 30%, while American companies’ profits have been launched by 70%, according to UBS. One would say that the first half of the 20s, which will be completed next year, shows that those who had predicted a “Golden Decade” are confirmed! Despite the pandemics, the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the explosion of inflation (congregated), etc. The results of the U.S. elections and political instability in Europe show that large sections of citizens do not have the same opinion as UBS analysts for the “Golden Decade”. However, the international house does not provide for bright days for major European economies in 2025. It estimates that Germany, France and Italy will see GDP growth of close to 1%, while Spain will grow by 2.3% and Britain by 1.5%. UBS provides for further interest reductions from ECB, Central Bank of England and National Bank of Switzerland. Brilliant days predicts for the US, despite concerns about the Trump election with the S&P 500 index reaching 6,600 points at the end of 2025. The international house gives 10% odds on a steep landing of markets the following year and 15% chances of a negative shock due to a possible commercial war. The new JHA, the enlargement of EYDAP and EIATH and the revenue of the State In the semi-final phase enters the “fight” for the new local water and sewerage businesses. The Ministry of Energy, as it is informed, has prepared a renewed proposal to the municipalities on how it believes that the consolidation of Municipal Water and Disposal Operations (JHA) should proceed. Information in the column says that the ministry does a little “scodo” in the “general rule” which provides for “one provider per regional unit” (S.S. Prefecture), as it can allow up to 2 inter-municipal EAAs in the major prefectures or consolidation of EIAs in municipalities bordering even if they belong to different prefectures. Three, at least, appear to be the ‘anchovy’: The first is that financially healthy JHA should be consolidated with economically non-healthy, which raises reactions from the healthy, which will be called upon to “load” the non-healthy, together with the burdens (to consumers) to cover their losses. The second “gakathi” is the reactions of some JHA to the government’s plan to join the JHA of the rest of Attica, Boeotia, Fokida and Corinthia in EYDAP S.A. but the JHA of the rest of Thessaloniki and Halkidiki in EYATH S.A. In fact, the government plan states that “at least” the above JHA will join EASAP and EASTH. This means that the government leaves the window for additional JHA in EYDAP and EYATH. This does not only mean that this would probably bring additional local reactions, but could also change the valuation of the shares of EYDAP and EHATH, which might have been important in view of their disposal by the TAPED in the context of the return of 51% to the public. The third “thorn” is the operating model of JHA which is characterized by competent government officials as the top case study of the Greek State’s malfunction! Obviously, in order to do this, the “quarri” of the operation of the JHAs should also be removed. The Pakistani with the 70 barber shops! Lucettos place traditional hair salons, with a presence of 20 and 30 years in the neighborhoods of Athens due to the boarding of the so-called “five-euro benefits” most of which are controlled by immigrants / refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh or Georgia. In fact, there is a rumor that a Pakistani businessman is currently operating more than 70 barber shops that charge the five-euro haircut. It is an honor that the traditional neighborhood salons cannot compete with for nothing and thus close after another, as they have been transferred by steps to the government. The question is whether the five-euro barber shops have licenses, as the law stipulates, and who controls the existence or not of licences. Some of these entrepreneurs lease the hairdresser license which, if it is the highest class, can support the operation of five or more barber shops! It is estimated that around 300 such five-euro barber shops operate in the Attica area today, while in some poorer areas they are located in almost every second building block. Regions left out of credit expansion Not all regions in the country benefited from the 2023 credit expansion as evidence from an IOBE report announced yesterday. In five of the country’s 14 regions, the annual rate of change in bank loans to non-financial corporations was negative. The largest decline, almost 12.5%, had loans to the North Aegean, followed by the Peloponnese (-3.6%), East Macedonia and Thrace (-1.1%) and Western Greece (-1.1%). A negligible retreat (-0.2%) was recorded last year and in the South Aegean, one of the areas in the country that won many in the last two years due to the explosion of tourism. The Report on Social and Economic Trends in the Greek regions has excellent elements, which also show the country’s hydrocephalism, from investments to exports. What the column says at times! With Athena and hand moves to accept RES Attack against the alleged “patriots” who do not want the RES launched yesterday by the Prime Minister of Naxos at the signing ceremony of the funding for the island coalification fund. Expressing his concern about the quality of public debate on the subject of wind and photovoltaics, Mr Mitsotakis was not given away, saying that “all this literature against renewable energy sources is dangerous and is not patriotic because it is not patriotic to import natural gas and oil when we can exploit the domestic energies that God gave us generously.” However, since other than words, he has been quick to add that the government’s purpose is to give more and more rewarding benefits to communities hosting such units. Something that has already been announced by Energy Minister, Th. Skylakis. Grants, the amount of ‘tavanium’ and the thoughts on ‘single criteria’ The column comes back to the issue of social benefits. Not because it has some “obsession”, but because the HYNK itself has put them under the “microscope” of the expenditure overview, one of the two key tools that it has in its hands in the new era of the (new) European Stability Pact, which provides that “fuels” for any increase in expenditure in certain fields may come from reducing expenditure to some other and one of them is the allowances. The reform of their system has not actually begun yet. It is known that the government is attempting to bring the British model to Greece. Not only through their inclusion in a Central or Single Register, but also possibly in the application of a “tavan” to the total amount of benefits each household receives each month, but also local criteria. Are there, of course, other questions? On what basis will the “tavani” enter? Will there also continue to be different income – assets criteria for each allowance, as so far? The column is told that the debate within the government has not progressed much. This does not mean that there are no first thoughts among those involved in these discussions. For example, ‘tavan’ could reach the level of the minimum wage in question. By the way, somewhere there is the “tavan” in Britain. Also, there are thoughts about single income and asset criteria, since all benefits are directed above and below the same social categories but do not have the same criteria. These thoughts are premature, but existable, the column points out.
In office 69 of the main opposition, Androuliakis, who will do Linou, Hurdakis and Papaioannou, who will sing at the Thessaloniki M.E., the galloping of markets in the first half of the 20s, the new JHAs and the fight with EYDAP / EYATH, the Pakistanis with 70 hair salons and the attack of the prime minister on those who react to the RES