I’m having bad thoughts.

From the very first moment the police officer and his also police wife who abused their children saw the light of day, I have had bad thoughts. I think bad thoughts not only about him and his wife, but bad thoughts about the whole system which is supposed to control all those who wear a uniform and have a gun and are what we call classroom instruments. Of course, there will be perjured police officers, as will public servants and journalists who take them and say so. However, it does not fit my mind that we arrived at 2024 to ask again what is not working properly, who are the ones who know and do not speak, because while complaints had been made against this man no one touched him, how he came to have a privileged post in the Hellenic Parliament – for so it is considered because even one of those who are above him did not deal a little more with this case when he first reached their ears. How they fall at night and sleep quietly all those who, while they had a wrongful man ahead of them, and the issue is not political, it is a matter of trust for the citizens in this case to the police which, if they are lost, will be difficult to restore.