5-Jun-2009: Greek European Parliament Elections 2009 – ND political party people.
Image by ggia
Illyr-albania:the Mother Earth
“History is long, Art short, Occasion sudden.â€Â Anonymous
The following is ‘THE REVELATION’ as understood by a descendant of the Illyr-Albanian Heritage. God’s message finally revealed in His identity to the Western World as the result of the unwritten knowledge gained from an insight into the Illyr-Albanian pre-historic past based on the Illyr-Albanian Language which was and remains the Language of God and as the result of an intuitive spiritual awareness. This analysis is probably more accurate than any subsequent revelation. No one should minimize the value of the subsequent understandings. These are part of the ‘human spiritual evolution’ however misunderstood, misinterpreted or misguided by cultures not having the insight into the early Illyr-Albanian Language and World or misapplied what had been learned.
There is nothing mysterious about God and His message. The intuitive spiritual awareness is supplemented with reasoning, one of our many gifts. Perhaps we can now apply that gift and try to understand the human history that we have become so used to. The only great mystery about religion is ourselves and the ‘politics’ (human interpretations) in which we seem to insist on infusing into it without understanding the origins – the probable early thoughts of our ancestors.
The conclusion will be bound up in the concepts of the ‘goodness of the human spirit’ and the ‘goodness of conception’. You are the author of your life and the hope comes from renewal and/or continuation of the ‘goodness of the human spirit’. As the Son of Mother Earth, from Whose Virgin Womb He was born, God is not beyond our awareness and certainly not beyond an almost tangible quality of the gift the ‘goodness of the human spirit’.
The Illyr-Albanian Language, spoken by the oldest continuous civilization in the Western World, and maybe even the world, is the master key to understanding the early human spiritual evolution. It may enable us to distinguish between truth and human interpretation – the politics as well as business of religion that has evolved.
It is the purpose of this writing to record and hopefully enlighten with the documentation of this unwritten knowledge and establish a new source for understanding the concept of God, the real essence of His, ‘THE REVELATION’, not in the context of the history of a particular culture but its origin based on the creation by the earliest man that subsequently influenced most of the people of the world. The Illyr-Albanian World is the closest connection we have to the earliest man.
We are extremely fortunate that the Hebrews and Greeks left many writings and translations of religious books and histories and likewise fortunate that the Illyr-Albanian Language and characteristics of the Illyr-Albanian groups have survived and remained similar throughout the ages establishing a fair source as the result of continuity of both language and characteristics that stretch far back into the pre-historic era. From the writings –names and words – we, like archeologists, might attempt to piece together a story from ragments and place them in a more realistic context. From the Illyr-Albanian Language we might gain an insight and perspective that would otherwise be lost for all time with regard to the origin and then the evolution of concepts – names and words – that found their way into the Hebrew and Greek worlds.
We are now learning that what was thought to be the earliest civilization, Mesopotamia, (9000 years ago) had a contemporary in the Thracians of the Balkans (Mystery Gold of the Black Sea Warriors – 2004). To understand how Thrace relates to the Illyr-Albanians the following appeared in the 1911 Enc. Britannica.
“Thrace…There is no well-defined difference between aboriginal Thracians and Illyrians. Thus there was an Illyrian tribe, Brygi; a Thracian tribe, Bryges: and, in Strabo’s time, a tribe called Dardani (Kosova), then reckoned Illyrian, living next to the Thracian Bessi (in whose land was the oldest oracle of Dionysus), were probably as much Thracian as Illyrian.†(Bessa; an ancient concept among Illyr-Albanians that means ‘faith’, ‘religion’, ‘pledge of honor’, ‘loyalty’.)
Our knowledge of God comes from the written histories and Holy Books of the Hebrews who compiled much of these writings during an era of the Mesopotamian period. The Hebrews, referred to as the chosen people of God claimed to be enlightened because they supposedly understood the Language of God, Who had revealed Himself to them. It is important to understand that the Hebrews, like the Greeks and others possessed knowledge gained in the pre-historic era when there was a Language of God, Illyr-Albanian, whereby God’s Revelation was expressed through the perceptions of nature by the early people which evolved into a ‘folk religion’ as opposed to ‘book religion’ that we know today based on a particular cultural heritage. God’s Revelation had been expressed by the very fact of awareness on the part of the early people and the goodness of the human spirit that inspired it. There is a great wisdom in this unwritten knowledge of God because there is the connection between the early people and their perceptions of nature that initiated this awareness, a process that ignited mans’ spirituality.
It is a remarkable fact that God did not reveal His identity, His personal name to the Hebrews except to say ‘I am that I am’, ‘Yahweh’. This so-called revelation was probably due to a misunderstanding of the origin of the pronoun ‘I’, in the Illyr-Albanian Language, ‘Ou’, and the probable evolution of it as the substitute for the noun or name. It is not unlike the Greek ‘Ouranos’, the name of the first God, Heaven, which is really the Illyr-Albanian phrase ‘I fell’, ‘Ou Ra’. If you are a cave-person of thousands of years ago and you view the earth and sky, the sky appears to fall in the distance, in every direction you view – the same that we see today. If you follow the path of the sun from where the sky meets the earth you make a bridge overhead. In Illyr-Albanian ‘ura’ is ‘bridge’, ‘urate’ is ‘the blessed Father’. In my essay ‘The Language of God’ I stated that ‘It was my contention that this concept, the sky appearing to fall to the earth, may have been the most significant to the people of the pre-historic era when their religious ideas were evolving.†I believe that the origin of the name ‘Ur’, the home of Abraham, the Father of Monotheism, One God worship, derives from the concept ‘ura’, and this significance may not have been lost on the early Biblical writers.
I am explaining this because at the earliest times the Illyr-Albanian name for God, the pronoun ‘Ou’, probably evolved from the practice of re-enacting religious stories in the first person, and that the pronoun was used as a substitute for the noun or name in this re-enactment. By the time of the Hebrews and Greeks, and who knows when and how it channeled into their cultures, the pronoun became part of their ideas and with limited knowledge they structured their own understandings.
So it was not that God revealed Himself as ‘I am that I am’ to the Hebrews, nor that the Greeks named the first God, ‘Ouranos’. Their knowledge came from pre-historic channels, the evolution of which they did not fully comprehend nor appreciate. The Illyr-Albanians eventually lost this significance as well, but there are enough fragments to restructure the probability.
The pronoun ‘I’ was not an only example. James Churchward, in 1933, in his ‘Sacred Symbols of MU’ states that the Mother Earth religion was referred to as ‘MU’ as far back as 70,000 years ago. ‘Mu’ is the Illyr-Albanian pronoun ‘Me’. Another possible example of the pronoun is ‘He’, or ‘He is I’ based on the analysis of the name of the first son of the Greek God Ouranos. His name was Kronus and the possible etymology based on the Illyr-Albanian Language was ‘He is I’; ‘Kr Oun’, or ‘Kr esht Oun’. That is either God comes to earth as a mortal or that he sent his son. Hence the recognition of either the possibility of a messiah, or probability of the inevitable ‘next generation’. (‘Oh Albania, My Poor Albania’ – 1980 – pages 7, 18; by this writer).
When the members of family were passing away they were thought to become ‘godlike’ to the early people. In Illyr-Albanian a name for God was ‘Perendia’, the word for west ‘perendim’, the equation being that the sun passes away in the west. I believe that this is, as well, the real significance of the Western Wall (the wailing wall). There was a strong affinity for ancestoral reverence by the Hebrews. In many cultures when one dies there is an attempt to bury before the setting of the sun the next day. Few ideas in the world of religion in the pre-historic era were mutually exclusive though origins were not sometimes clear. However misunderstood, these ideas found their way into many cultures but there are enough clues (perceptions of nature and corresponding word and name development) to indicate that the origin was related to the Illyr-Albanian World – the Civilization that left no writings.
In order for the Hebrews to understand with at least a minimum of success the concept of God in their culture two spiritual tools evolved: the Zohar, which means ‘splendor’ in Hebrew, is a “commentary on the Bible structured as conversations among a group of friends, scholars, and spiritual masters… (a)lthough the wisdom available in its pages is older than Creation itself, the text of the Zohar