If you don’t have enough iron? These are the symptoms that will show it!

Iron is necessary for transporting oxygen to the tissues of the body….
Girls from 13 years of age and women of reproductive age, and pregnant women have increased iron needs.
The reduced intake of iron can cause iron deficiency anemia.
The symptoms are:
-Feeling of weakness
-Easy fatigue
-Breaking of the nails
-Hair loss
Avoid combining foods rich in iron:
-Tea, coffee, colas, red wine-Contain tannins, which hinder the absorption of iron.
-Dairy products or other foods rich in calcium, which binds iron. When you eat breakfast cereals, prefer them without milk or yoghurt, because it will reduce the absorption of iron, which offer you.
-Fiber (e.x. whole grain products), and these, in turn, reduce the absorption of iron by the body.