IF IT IS POSSIBLE! Photo newborn that causes goosebumps… [photos]

Usually the pictures of newborn babies evoke beautiful emotions, but this causes goosebumps…
The baby is shown sleeping next to a grenade, a gun and a birth certificate or identity from the Islamic State.
According to the Daily Mail, the authenticity has not yet been confirmed, is reminiscent of but older photos of ISIS with babies and guns, which he uses to bring out the next generation of jihadists.
The photo αναδημοσίευσαν activists against ISIS in Syria and is accompanied by the message: “This child will be a risk for you, not only for us”. In the document of the baby is mentioned he is called “Jrah”, the mother of the “Om” and his father “AbÅ«” while the id has been issued by the Islamic State. The activists were released the photo, wanting to show off how ISIS poses a global threat.
Last September, the Islamic State had released another picture of a baby dressed like a fighter is laying on a flag of ISIS, next to grenades and automatic weapons, while other fighters have published photographs, even with their own children.
The paper explains how the Islamic State has adopted the practice of converting children to become jihadists, causing them to be brainwashed from a very young age.