“I used to 20.000 euro for a sexy photo shoot. Now… for the soul of my mother!”

Yes, once the …Eva Laskari take up to 20,000 euro for a couple of minutes in front of the camera of a photographer! The model had increased their shares at the time that even the euro flowed like water, but now, as she says, if I have to do I’ll do for the soul of your mother!
“In the old days for a good photo shoot, a little sexy, a little revealing, accordingly, was from 5,000 to 20,000 euros. Now we do it for the soul of our mother,” said Eva Laskari on the show Happy Day and we hope to keep some money aside!
As for what he would say to her son when he grows up and sees in the internet the sexy pictures of mommy in the us, said: “it won’t come out on a planet that will be in Sunday school. I’ll explain that it’s part of my job!”.Source