How will you know that you have Dangerously High blood Pressure and how to lower it without Medication?

You may not know it, but a large percentage of the population in the world suffers from high blood pressure…
In the United Kingdom, one in 4 adults has high blood pressure, while in America one in 3 adults over 20 suffer from the same problem. Hypertension can afflict the body years before they start showing symptoms. The best way to check if you have hypertension is to measure your blood pressure.
Symptoms of high pressure: Headache, Dizziness, Instability when walking, Pain or annoying feeling in the chest, Shortness of breath, Arrhythmia or Palpitations.
Foods that aggravate high blood pressure: Sugar, Alcohol, Caffeine, Fatty trans and Fatty Omega-6.
7 Foods to reduce stress:
1. Foods rich in fiber
It is also the foundation of a good diet and include beans, seeds, vegetables, fruits. Reduce blood pressure easily and naturally.
2. Foods rich in Omega-3
Such foods are wild salmon, chia seeds and flax seeds.
3. Foods rich in potassium
The potassium is known for its ability to reduce the pressure. You will find it in bananas, avocado, coconuts and watermelon.
4. Mediterranean diet
This diet is rich in seafood, vegetables, fruits and fatty Omega-3.
5. Chocolate health
The organic dark chocolate is healthy and contains at least 200 milligrams of φενόλες cocoa that reduce the pressure!
6. White tea
The white tea as often as you drink it, the more you improve the quality of your life, since it reduces pressure, it improves the walls of the arteries and protects from the risks of heart attacks or strokes. Must be consumed daily and several times a day.
7. Apple cider vinegar Is rich in potassium that keeps in balance the alkaline levels in our body, reducing the pressure.
6 Habits that will help you to get rid of high blood pressure :
1. Gymnastics
Exercise helps the heart to better use the oxygen so you don’t send the blood violently in our body. Do aerobic exercises and αναεροβικής at least a half hour every other day
2. Breathe deeply
The deep breathing and the yoga they free us from stress. Try the therapeutic relaxation exercises of yoga for 5 minutes every night and morning, breathe deeply so you can feel your stomach rise and then exhale to release the tension.
3. Careful with the salt
Most people who suffer from hypertension are hypersensitive to salt. Be careful so as not to exceed the consumption of 1,500 milligrams per day.
4. Work less
If you work more than 41 hours per week, you have 15% more likely to develop hypertension. It can be difficult to αποδεσμευθείτε from your responsibilities, but include in your program is definitely a healthy diet and an hour of exercise.
5. Relax with some music
Listening to music for at least 30 minutes per day, with a relaxed breath, can reduce blood pressure by 3.2 in a week and 4.4 in a month!
6. Relief from snoring
Feature of sleep apnea is snoring. The more people who have this disorder, have high rates of αλντοστερόνης which increases the pressure. Characteristic symptoms after waking up is the headaches and fatigue. Sleep apnea requires medical monitoring, both because it’s dangerous and because if you get rid of this will decrease and your blood pressure.