How to get rid of the strong smell of food in the house

The smell of a…
hot and tasty food at noon in the home is enjoyment, but the problem starts when the smell remains and the rest of the day.
If you’re struggling to get rid of these strong odors, you can try some of the following tips…
1. Put 3 tbsp. white vinegar and 1 cup. water in a pot and allow the solution to boil for 5-10 minutes. The vinegar is acidic and, thus, neutralizes the alkaline environment that creates the smell of food.
2. The remains of food that you throw in the bin in the kitchen are the usual culprit for the bad odor which emerges from him. For this reason, you have to empty before you fill it and clean it with a disinfectant wipe.
3. Clean the sink where trapped the odors. Pour 1/2 of a cup. baking soda on the surface of your sink and rinse well with lukewarm water. The soda acts as a natural air freshener that eliminates unpleasant odors.