The phone is, for each of us, an extension of his hand. The mobile phone, in addition to its usual uses for calls and message exchange, is a professional tool. And the truth is, we spend several hours of the day on social media and over his screen. Therefore, the mobile phone is a source of microbes and bacteria, due to its frequent use with our hands. On the other hand, over time, on our television screen accumulates dust. Besides, it’s not a few times when we touch the screen unconsciously with our hands. However, there are some simple tips that you can follow to clean both your TV screen and your mobile phone. How to clean the screen (LED, OLED and QLED) of your TV Before you start cleaning, the first step is to disconnect your TV from the plug Then clean the TV screen with soft moves, using a microfiber cloth. You do not need to exercise much power when cleaning your screen, however, you need to make continuous circular movements to remove the dust. For persistent stains, you can use a special computer screen cleaner. However, you should not spray the screen directly. Better wet a cloth with the special cleaner and then start cleaning. Avoid using window cleaners on the screen as their surface is sensitive and can cause damage to pixels, leaving, at the same time, smudges. Also avoid using water or alcohol to prevent moisture entering the coating. However, you can use a fresh cloth to clean the TV frame. Also, avoid the kitchen paper, since it is rough and you may leave scratches. How to clean your mobile phone screen First, you should turn off your device. Then remove the protective case. In a bowl, mix a few drops of liquid soap with deionised water. Dip a microfiber cloth into the solution and make sure you twist it well. Then clean your phone with gentle movements, avoiding its slots. You can use batons to clean its slots (charge, headphones) After making sure your phone is completely dry, you can put it back in its case and turn on your device. Avoid using window cleaners, water, and in no case kitchen paper to prevent damage to its coating. Finally, to disinfect your mobile phone, you can use antiseptic wipes.
How to clean your TV and mobile screen
in Lifestyle