How much running it takes to lose weight – What you need to know

If you are trying to lose weight with a runway, or running out and seeing no results, here you will read just how this form of exercise can safely help you manage unnecessary fat. Running for weight loss: Is it working or not? Yes, running can really help support weight management. “The run helps:—in regulating a person’s metabolic rate—in reducing stress affecting weight management—in managing inflammation (especially systemic/chronic inflammation)—in improving the quality and quantity of skeletal muscle mass—in reducing body fat,” said Dr Catherine Saenz, an assistant professor of kinesology at Jacksonville University in Florida, USA. As Dr. Saenz notes, running has many benefits, especially regarding the cardiovascular system, however, running to lose weight also depends on your eating habits. The calories in particular, which are the energy units we receive from the food and drinks we consume, are important to take into account. This is because, when we eat, calories in food turn into natural energy, or are stored in our bodies as fat. These calories will be stored in your body as fat, unless you consume them. To consume them, you must reduce calorie intake, forcing the body to draw this energy, or increase your physical activity. Running increases this energy expenditure and burning calories. It is believed that running burns more calories than most other types of exercise, such as weight training or cycling. But according to Dr. Saenz, this concerns not only your calorie intake quantitatively, but also qualitatively: “The quality of calories you consume can be even more important than quantity. In fact, not everyone needs to have a calorie deficit, but everyone needs to follow a diet rich in basic nutrients, which is satisfying and sustainable in the long term. The dietary approach should also reflect the health needs of the individual. Instead of cutting calories, it is better to find a diet rich in high quality, whole milling foods with a variety enough to support the many nutrients that the body needs, especially when we start or continue some exercise program.” Weight loss with running: Everything you need to know As we mentioned before, running for weight loss does not happen from one day to another and depends largely on various factors. According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, as regards weight loss, there must be a balance between reducing energy intake and energy expenditure caused by exercise. The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes the balance of calories burning and calories consumed, as a calorie balance. According to the CDC, if you maintain your weight, then you are in calorie balance. This means you consume about the same amount of calories you burn. If you take more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. While if you have a calorie deficit, then you burn more calories than you eat and therefore lose weight. But as Dr. Saenz points out: “The calorie balance is highly personalized and highly variable”. Generally speaking, with running: -a person of 55 kg will burn 11.4 calories/minute -a person of 64 kg will lose 13,2 calories/minute -a person of 73 kg will burn 15.1 calories/minute -a person of 82 kg may burn and 17 calories/minute Source: .