How many millions of euro gives the european Commission in Greece for the Hot Spots?

According to Dimitris Avramopoulos, the allocation of the amount…
“this is yet another sign of solidarity and a strong EU support to Greece in an attempt to manage the unprecedented migration flows in the country”
The amount of 12,7 million. euro through the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration grants the European Commission in Greece for the creation of 8,000 jobs in the reception of migrants and refugees into Greek territory.
As mentioned Monday, the Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos, the administration of the 12.7 million for the creation of new reception facilities is a further sign of solidarity and a strong EU support to Greece in an attempt to manage the unprecedented migration flows in the country.
Also, as you pointed out, will help Greece to reach the target to increase the reception capacity of 50,000 seats, as agreed at the meeting of the leaders of the Western Balkans to the 25 October 2015, this amount will be used for the housing of citizens from countries outside the eu.E., in the regions of Attica and Central Macedonia.
The Commission recalls that, in 2015, Greece has received, either directly or through international organizations for refugees and immigrants, a total of 146 million. euro.
At the same time, the European Commission grants other 10 million. euro in republic of MACEDONIA to intensify the efforts to guard and control its borders.
Johannes Hahn, Commissioner For Regional Policy, E.E, stressed that the money in the neighbouring country are part of a broader framework for migration policy and how the assistance is complementary to that given to Greece, both financially, and with the further activation of FRONTEX.