How long does it take the body to eliminate the alcohol…?

The liver is the main organ that metabolizes alcohol, it breaks it down…
and extrude from the body. All people metabolize alcohol at the same rate: 29 milliliters per hour.
The rate at which it breaks down alcohol does not vary with
the weight, size or gender, although many people believe that this is happening. Alcohol is eliminated from the body through sweat, breath k of urine.
The classic alcoholic drinks are 340-355 millilitres of beer, 44 ml of a glass of liquor and 177 ml of a glass of wine. All of the above provide 29 milliliters of alcohol, which means that one drink will remain in your system for one hour.
So, regardless of whether you drink wine or beer, most drinks contain the same amount of pure alcohol that will affect your body.
Many believe that there are “tricks” to sober someone up faster. This is a myth as nothing can achieve this. Even the coffee, as strong, and if it is, nor the shower, nor even vomiting.
However, there are several ways to slow down the level of alcohol that enters your body. For example, if you eat something while you drink alcohol, this will slow down the intake of alcohol.
It has also been shown that the soda or water in between alcohol will slow down the rate at which alcohol enters your blood. Another good idea is to drink the amount of your late.
In conclusion, you can slow down the levels of alcohol entering your body, but you can’t speed up the elimination of it from him