Sneak for her and last year’s effort in the Eurovision competition appeared the , at noon on Saturday, when she was invited to express her personal opinion on the air of the show “You still saw nothing” on the Grand Channel. “At first I was thrilled with our last year’s choice but then I was upset with the result. I didn’t like the song combined with the presentation. None of the two liked me” originally confided Hope for Marina Satti. CORVERSE “Marina Satti disappointed me, otherwise I expected it. I expected her stronger on stage. And behavior, of course, plays its part. It’s not playing?”. “You carry a whole Greece on the back, you carry the Greeks everywhere and suddenly a thing comes out mixed with no interest and snobbery.” “I felt it was snob, yes. I would like the artists who go to Eurovision to respect the people who carry behind them because they all see millions of people. Therefore we must respect the country when sending delegates,” Hope also added to MEGA.
Hope for Marina Satty: “One thing mixed with no interest and snob”
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