The National Bank is next to those who wish to acquire their first residence. Taking advantage of its specialized knowledge and great experience in the provision of housing loans, the Bank participates in the new cycle of the Recovery Fund program, managed by the Greek Development Bank (HDB), following the successful course of my state project Home. More specifically, my Home II programme, aimed at stakeholders from 25 to 50 years old, includes favourable financing conditions such as: ADVERSE Financing up to 90% of the value of the property, for housing up to 250.000 euros with surface up to 150 sq.m. and aging until 31/12/2007. Maximum loan amount 190,000 euros. Repayment term up to 30 years. Interest-free financing for 50% of the loan amount financed by the Recovery Fund. Zero one-off examination and loan grant expenditure. In addition, the National Bank provides: Personal guidance at every step of the process by experts in the Shop Consultant Program. Direct pre-authorisation and quick disbursement procedures. Possibility of additional funding for renovation and/or energy upgrading of the property on preferential terms. Double loyalty points Go For More for each consistent payout of the monthly dose. 10% discount for selected purchases in IKEA stores. Free provision of Content insurance (without Earthquake) for the 1st year with each new Loaner Life insurance. Possibility of issuing a Credit Card without additional supporting documents. In addition, taking into account the need of the borrower for continuous information, during the procedures until the acquisition of the residence, it is possible to monitor at any time the progress of the application online, via the NBG Internet Banking. My Home II, managed by the Hellenic Development Bank S.A., is implemented under the Loan Programme of the Recovery and Durability Fund with the financing of the European Union – NextGenerationEU.
Home 2: The National Bank supports the acquisition of first residence by participating in the program
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