Home 2: AtticaBank participates in the program with additional favourable pricing

My Home 2 managed by the Greek Development Bank S.A. is implemented under the Loan Programme of the Recovery and Resistant Fund with the funding of the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The clients of Attica Bank, in addition to the preferential terms of the program under which a housing loan is secured at a lower interest rate than a common housing loan, will also benefit from a number of additional benefits. CORVERSE These are: Favourite billing Free legal and technical control costs Quick Application Assessment Procedure The total amount of the budget of my Home 2 programme is EUR 2 billion, with a maximum amount of EUR 190,000, at a zero interest rate for 50% of the loan’s capital financed by the programme. The programme is addressed to natural persons aged 25 to 50 years who do not have another property suitable for residence, with an annual income of 10,000 euros, to 20,000 euros for single persons, 28,000 euros for married persons or members of a partnership agreement, with an increase of 4,000 euros for each child and 31,000 euros for single-parent families, with an additional 5,000 euros for each child beyond the first. Attica Bank, with its participation in the program, once again reflects its commitment to the provision of competitive and quality services, insisting on the excellent service of its customers and the immediate satisfaction of their needs. For more information, interested parties can contact the network of branches of Attica Bank and the Pangretian Bank without appointment, as well as visit the respective websites ( and )