Hereditary the “shaking” of legs in the evening

If you have a brother or other blood relative who spends his sleepless nights… because his legs shaking constantly, beware: you may suffer, without knowing, from the restless legs syndrome and if it is confirmed, you run and you are much more likely than the average to experience!
This is the message of a new study published in the journal “Archives of Neurology” and is one of the best on the subject. The made by scientists from the University of Montreal, in Quebec, Canada, who was stop-lossed 671 volunteers: 192 sufferers of the syndrome who were diagnosed in the Clinic of Sleep and 479 relatives who first responded to questionnaires over the phone.
As noted, the brothers of the patients had 3.6 times more likely to develop the syndrome compared with the rest of the relatives. The children who had a parent with the syndrome, were almost twice as likely to develop.
Restless legs syndrome is extremely common, affecting up to 10% of adults. Unfortunately, most people don’t know, with the result that they spend άϋπνες nights, forced to get up, to walk, as walking is the only thing that can relieve them of their symptoms. However, “no one needs to suffer without treatment,” says lead researcher dr. Guy A. Ρουλώ, professor of Medicine at the University.
“There are treatments for this. If l.x. the symptoms are due to an iron deficiency, taking supplements can help, and there are special drugs that really help patients”.
Restless legs syndrome actually causes patients an irresistible urge to move their legs when there is no reason to do it, and, apart from sleep, makes it difficult for any activity that requires long hours of immobility.
These symptoms usually occur exclusively or worsen in the afternoon and evening, and the patient is relieved only if they get up and walk or do stretching of the foot.
Unfortunately, the diagnosis is usually made late, as the symptoms usually attributed originally to something else, such as poor blood circulation or arthritis, resulting in about 40% of cases to spend at least two decades before he finds out the patient what he’s got.