Sadness has caused the tragic development of the health of the 3-year-old Angel from , who is now brain dead after the savage suffered by his 26-year-old mother and her 44-year-old partner. Shocked remains the whole country with the case of the brutal beating of the unfortunate Angel, who did not finally come out victorious in the battle he gave for his life from the hospital’s ICU. At the same time, the 3-year-old’s mother and the 44-year-old who are held in Corydallus prisons, after child abuse continue to blame each other for who was ultimately responsible for the torture that the Angel lived. CORVERSE Speaking on Live News, the 44-year-old lawyer, Vassilis Nulesas, referred to the situation of his principal and points out that if the charges apply he will resign from his defence. “My commandant learned it yesterday afternoon and collapsed. He was asking if the Angel “wake up”. I’m not a psychiatrist and I don’t know what condition it is when she doesn’t take medication and it’s a reason she’s created questions within me and doubts that will be too important to weigh my course as a defense attorney. An M.E. says a refractive instrument, which practically means either an object or even a human hand. It troubles me who caused the severe craniocerebral injury and tomorrow I will visit my principal,” he said initially. And he added: “We will start from scratch and ask him directly how the severe physical injury occurred. If the answer is not satisfactory and convincing, and the second coroner will help me make the final decision because, as I have said, a child killer would not defend myself. ” The tests carried out on the little angel confirmed what doctors feared from the first moment: That his beating was a savage torture that left the child brain dead. In the following period he is expected to start, in order to establish that if they are in a condition so that there can be a transplant. “The written consent of the child, that is, his grandmother, has been given and the process has begun to look at the organs planned,” said the commander of Pagni, George Chalkiadakis. Regarding the organ donation that Grandma decided to move forward with the child’s grandfather, since these faces have his epistaxis George Chalkiadakis said: “They decided to donate heart and kidneys. So after consulting the National Center for Transplants the process began”. Isolated in prison His mother and her partner, who were taken to Corydallus Prison, are kept isolated in fear of incidents, that of the prison sickbay, in adjacent cells. This wing is designed for prisoners who need increased protection measures, while they are to be marched together. The relatives of the 44-year-old insist that he could not do such harm to a child and blame the 26-year-old: “Here in front of her parents she did what she did, they knew she was hitting the child, what did these parents do? On the contrary, they left her and turned all over Greece from here and there and what did they do? Nothing,” they argue. However, even today, a week after the horror was revealed, and three days after their detention, neither the mother nor her partner seem to have realized that they murdered the three-year-old.
Heraklion: “We will start from scratch because I would not defend a child killer,” says the 44-year-old lawyer
in Greece