Heraklion: The grandparents of the 3 year old will donate his organs – The reaction of the 26 year old when she heard he was brain dead

The panhellenic has been shocked by the case of the brutality of the little Angel by the , who was tortured by his 26-year-old mother and her 44-year-old partner. Eventually the miracle was not done, since today (02.02.2020) it was found that the 3-year-old is now brain dead. Since the morning when the sad news of the state of health became known. Both the local society of Heraklion and public opinion, they hoped the 3 year old would fight for his life and come out victorious, which ultimately did not happen. At the hearing of the situation, the reaction of his 26 – year – old mother, accused of child abuse, causes reactions. On the other hand, the decision made by the angel’s grandmother and grandfather for organ donation was considered brave. CORVERSE The development that has shocked Greece, with the 3 year old brain dead, did not move his mother. “She was asking her mom about what the child is doing while her mother said the child is finished, so the Angel. As if he didn’t understand what he’s saying to her,” the 26-year-old lawyer Aristea Kalaitzakis told Star. “Angel’s heart to give life to another child” Angel’s grandmother, who now has full custody of the child, has not left the ICU for a minute, intubated by the three-year-old. The woman was informed of the tragic development of her grandson’s health and made the courageous decision to donate his organs. “The child’s grandmother is in an unpleasant position to decide on organ donation. He will. What he wants is for the angel’s little heart to keep beating another child. And help those children in need, ” stressed 26 – year – old mother’s lawyer. CORVERSE After the tragic development and brain death of the child, doubts about the continuation of the 44-year-old alleged torturer’s defense expressed his lawyer. “If the supplementary forensic report clearly proves that it is my commanding officer who managed the blow that I will give up the defense, ” says the 44 – year – old lawyer, Vassilis Nulesas. The 26-year-old mother of the 3-year-old Angel from Heraklion will be held next to Roula Pispirigo. Rula Pispirigu, for safety reasons in the first place was held in a single cell, in the infirmary area in Korydallos prisons, away from other prisoners in order not to endanger her physical integrity. For the same reasons in the same space will be held and the 26 year old and the two women will march together when the doors of their cells open. Under extreme secrecy the transfer to the Corydal of the two accused of the brutal abuse of the 3-year-old Angel was made. However, Angel’s 26-year-old mother is in a cell located in the infirmary. She has not been in contact with another prisoner, in a cell next door is the mother of Patras’ three children. Those who have seen her think how it is possible to be so cold, with what she is accused of doing to her own child. Both her 26-year-old and 44-year-old partner for a time will be left isolated from the general prison population, given the climate of rage that is spreading against them, and thus avoid incidents and tensions. According to Star reports, the 44-year-old is in a solitary cell in the prison E ward. In the cell there’s only the bed and toilet. It’s not foregrounded, and for the next four days it’ll stay there. So far he hasn’t come in touch with anyone, he doesn’t talk, he’s got his head down and he hasn’t asked for anything from the penitentiaries. In order to be allowed to visit in the next few days, the prison board will have to meet. However, so far, no one has been interested in seeing him in prison. Her mother and partner are expected to face the strictest penalty, as the serious outcome of their child’s health is even more burdening the indictment. The horror that Angel lived is recalled that the child fell victim to wild beating at the house where he lived in Heraklion. For the case the 26-year-old mother of the 3-year-old and her 44-year-old partner, who have not stopped blaming each other for torturing the child. The couple were transported under extreme secrecy to the Korydallos prisons, far from Crete, where there was great fear of incidents. The boy had suffered hematoma in the brain, ruptured abdominal aorta, while bearing severe injuries, bruising and bruising in his body and burns, even burns from cigarettes. From the beginning doctors who watched the little boy were not optimistic about his health course and had put their hopes in a miracle, which was not done.