Heraklion: In the same cell as Roula Pispirigo until the end of the week the “Media of Crete”

In the same cell at Rula Pispiringu, the mother of the 3-year-old Angel was placed from it and will remain there until the end of the week. The 26-year-old mother of the young Angel from Heraklion who in the three years of his short life was tortured to death until he left his last breath by the couple of sadists, after the decision of Justice ordering her temporary detention took the road to Korydallos prisons and is now held down under draconian security measures in order not to contact other prisoners. CORVERSE Although the original decision was to be placed in a next cell, from that of Roula Pispirigo, in the special space of the 1st floor of the women’s ward of the penitentiary shop, however, some work carried out in this area forced the Prison Directorate, to place it in the cell of the condemned mother from Patras. Thus, since Saturday, which passed the heavy prison gate, in the absence of a cell available, it was placed in the same space as Rula Pispiringu, where it will remain until the end of the week where a cell will be emptyed. The work carried out according to newssit.gr information concerns the renovation of the bathrooms and is expected to be completed within the next few days. He accepted the first visitor’s call According to the same information, the mandate given by the General Secretariat of Criminal Policy is the couple of sadists from Crete who “killed the little angel” is to be in isolation for security reasons and to avoid “heat” incidents in prisons. CORVERSE As they say “sources”, both the 26-year-old and the 44-year-old detained in the Vth wing of Korydallos, in the same cell as a prisoner of Grevenes prisons who arrived a few days ago in Korydallos in order to be tried for sexual offences, will spend their days alone and isolated from the rest of the prisoners. They will be foreground separately, twice a day as planned, and even visitors will be held in special places to avoid any attacks and incidents. The same “sources” say that the 26-year-old accepted the first visit from her lawyer where they chatted for a while and then her legal representative left, with her returning to the cell along with Roula Pispirigo where she will remain until the end of the week