The little Angel, the tragic victim of violence in and has caused a wave of emotion throughout the country, will be buried in Athens. At the funeral of the three-year-old Angel, from a funeral home in Heraklion, a brief message is recorded written to first person and refers to hell that lived as a result of ruthless abuse. CORVERSE The notice published by is impersonal – no relative put his name under the death advertisement while there is no child’s last name. A unique farewell message to the owner of the funeral home that reflects the farewell of all of us. ADVERSE “Good journey our angel. It is the least I could do for you, to go with dignity your last journey to heaven along with angels like you, because here you lived only in hell,” says the text. I raised security measures for the defendants. All this while in Corydallus prison security measures for the two defendants remain elevated. To this day her mother and partner try to blame each other. The 26-year-old mother is held in a cell next to Rula Pispiringu, in the prison infirmary and reportedly the two inmates are courted together for security reasons. The honorary president of the Association of Police Employees NA Attica, George Kalliakmanis, told LIVE NEWS: “Mother is with Pispiringu. According to my intel, Pippiringu didn’t want her in the cell. The other is in the 5th ward, isolated”. Her 44-year-old partner remains in solitary confinement, away from his prisoners. His relatives insist that he could not do such harm to a child. A few hours before the wrongful child’s funeral, the picture in PAGNI summarizes everyone’s feelings about the victim who was driven to death in an unspeakably harsh way inside the growing house.
Heraklion: In Athens the funeral of the little Angel – The messenger and the message “good-bye”
in Greece