Heraklion: Hopes for the 3 Year-old Angel – “When you see your child hit, you leave,” says his grandmother

In a miracle the doctors now hope for the little Angel, who for a week after giving him a fight to keep him alive at the University General Hospital. It is recalled that the child fell victim to wild beating at the house he lived in Heraklion. For the case, both his 26-year-old mother and her 44-year-old partner have been detained. In fact, the couple were transferred under extreme secrecy to the Corydal prisons, far from Crete, where there was fear of incidents. CORVERSE The governor of the University General Hospital of Heraklion, George Chalkiadakis, spoke on SKI TV saying that after the first tests on the little Angel, “it seems that the brain of the 3 year old does not work.” He noted that today there will also be some tests on the child who was brutally beaten saying: “We’re waiting for the rest of the exams in case there’s any miracle”. The boy has suffered hematoma in the brain, ruptured abdominal aorta, while bearing severe injuries, bruising and bruising in his body and burns, and even cigarette burns. Through internet women from Heraklion called for a prayer for the 3 year old Angel today Sunday (2.2.2025) at the church of Panagia in Gazi. From early in the morning crowds found themselves in the church and with tears in their eyes prayed for the little child. CORVERSE At the same time, the grandmother of the three-year-old Angel, the mother of the biological father, launched a fierce attack on Angel’s mother: “The Virgin Mary help me, help him get well. Because I believe in God, St. Ephraim, the Brigadier General that he will help him. I’m very sure, it will help.” She, speaking to STAR, noted: “Shame her and shame her. Why this soul, why this soul? Now he’s tormented where he is… to deprive a child of his little life? He didn’t know? When you see your child being abused, you can’t even do one thing to the child. You let anyone touch your child? He went to the store for coffee and left the kid alone with the guy who said he was hitting the kid. You’re leaving a child, aren’t you? You find a way. When you see your child suffers you find a way to leave.” The little angel’s grandmother broke out against the mother saying: “If I could kill her, I would kill her. Because right now he has made a child be serious.” She appeared convinced that the 26-year-old was involved in the child’s torture: “I’m sure. Yeah, I’m sure he did. And that the child was burning. How alone? How can he be alone? You’re part of it. After you said you were tired.” He revealed that the 26-year-old had sued the child’s father for domestic violence, denouncing abuse of the same as the Angel by him: “When this lady, the child’s mother… the killer, I’m sorry for the expression but that’s how it is, killer, she told me, because she was saying ‘ my dad had made me do the lawsuit. You know they don’t want Mitsos.”