Heraklion: “He was a poor kid, fighting to survive,” says one of the 16 best men of the brother-in-law with cocaine

‘ He was a child of trouble had no help from anywhere,” says in newsit.gr one of the couple’s sixteen best men in , where on his wedding day, the groom was arrested for 170 grams but also bullets. According to what the best man, the son-in-law who was caught with cocaine before his marriage with his 29-year-old partner in Heraklion, was facing many financial difficulties. “He was a poor child, he struggled daily to survive. He rented olive trees and cultivated them with a lot of struggle. He had a big debt with fertilizer, still owes the tractor. He was a child of trouble, he had no help from anywhere,” he says in newsit.gr. According to him, no one knew until now if his son-in-law and friend had anything to do with all this, which they blame. “The groom will probably know who hurt him. My maid-in-law is reasonable to be sad, they had made so many expenses for this marriage, so much preparation, so many invitations, others learned and others did not know the marriage was cancelled, some went to church and sought marriage, but they could not find marriage. I’ve been friends with the groom for years, but I don’t know if he’s done what he’s been accused of, nobody knows, nobody knows. Now what happened and what matters he had, I don’t know at all, nor do I know if he had problems with others and did what happened to him on his wedding day.”