Heraklion: “God, what are we going to do” – The doctor who removed the instruments of the 3 year old Angel was moved

Life through his death was given by the three – year – old Angel, the angel from killing in his own home those who had to protect it. The and the murderous child will “beat” on our fellow human body. Already, the heart and kidneys of the 3 year old Angel systematically abused by her mother and partner in Heraklion and declared clinically dead, will be transplanted into a child and an adult of 37 respectively. CORVERSE On Tuesday morning (04.02.2025), moving moments took place in PAGNI when doctors observed a minute’s silence to honor the child, who lost the battle for life after his 26-year-old mother and stepfather abused him. The chief surgeon, who removed the three-year-old’s organs, spoke to Star. He referred to the dramatic moment when he faced the child’s body, but also to the moment when he said, “the duty and experience must be spoken because with these instruments other people will be saved. ” How can we remove vital grafts from such a small body? “ says Vassilis Vougas, Director of Clinical Transplant Surgery. “The great thrill a man, a father, feels on the operating table for organ removal. It is a heartbreaking moment but also a moment when duty and experience need to be spoken because with these instruments other people will be saved. A little hero, he was an angel on earth and now he is an angel in heaven,” he described moved. The last act of the drama is expected to be written in Athens, where his funeral will take place.