Heraklion Crete: New video document from shooting – The perpetrator holds the gun in his hands

New video document from those inside the feed business in Malades, Heraklion, sees the light of day Monday (20.01.25). In this video document from the shootings in Crete, which brings to the public neakriti.gr, the moment when the perpetrator moves in the corridors of the operation, holds the gun in his hands is recorded. He reportedly shot four times with a .45 pistol. CORVERSE The bloody incident occurred among persons from the area of Prophet Elias Heraklion, with a heavy historical controversy involving the murder of 34-year-old Priamos Xydakis in June 2012. As the information reports, the dead man’s father met Stephen Kokologianni outside the business. There the two men seem to have quarreled and the dead man’s father allegedly chased the former player of the ANT1 reality, while he rushed into the store in order to be saved. CORVERSE Priam’s father chased him into the operation and shot him with the result that an employee was injured. Stefanos Kokologiannis was transferred to the University Hospital of Heraklion with head trauma, while the employee was taken to the same hospital with hip injuries. The man he allegedly shot is being sought by the authorities. Heraklion Security has been mobilised, collecting data from the video, witness statements and material from the company’s security cameras. The incident has caused fears about the possible resurgence of the feud that had begun in 2012, with the murder of Priam Xydakis in Prophet Elias.