Heraklion Crete: “He was after me as a prey to kill me”, says Stefanos Kokologiannis on the feud

“He had ambushed me and tried to kill me,” says Stefanos Kokologiannis, who today at noon (20.01. 25) accepted from his father Priamos Xydakis, who had been murdered in 2012 by the brother of the well-known reality player. Wild west scenes unfolded in a feed business in the Malades area of Heraklion Crete, when the company employees heard the bullets from the shootings whistling beside them, while one of them was injured in the leg. ADVERSE Stars of the episode Antenna’s former reality player, Stefanos Kokologiannis and his father Priamos Xydakis who lost his life in 2012. “I went to do my jobs and he ambushed me. It’s been 10 years since what he’s accomplished and he tried to crash me in the car. I avoided him and he came down with the gun and shot me into the world. I have taken a bullet in the head and a child has been seriously injured in the abdomen, he was a worker there,” says in newsit.gr Stephen Kokologiannis and continues, adds: “He is in surgery, he was a worker there in feed. I was going to get some feed. He was watching me, he had ambushed me and as soon as he saw me and I got off the car, he attacked me with the car first,” says Stefanos Kokologiannis. And he describes: “I avoided him and then he pulled the gun and shot me inside the workers. It was the people inside the offices. If I wasn’t a rooster, he would have killed me, and I don’t know how many other people. The employee injured is about 30 years old.” Continuing, the former player of Mission argues that he had not preceded anything with the man who shot him and that he is the one who always causes it. “This evil he has sown, he has not digested and continues it yet. It was a clean ambush. That’s how cowards operate, with ambushes. The men only operate with ambushes, they cannot in equals,” says Stefanos Kokologiannis and complements: “I was unarmed. If you watch the video, he’s after me like a prey. He shoots for two to three minutes and spreads death to the world. So if I had a gun, I wouldn’t use it for defense and to save the rest of the world and myself? I am not allowed to carry a gun for it and I am not armed. Xydakis is not allowed, he is illegally armed.”