Grief for the glorious fate of the little Angel, who is now brain dead after his savage in . For the case has been held both his 26-year-old mother and her 44-year-old companion. The grandparents of the three – year – old Angel, on the mother’s side, made the brave decision to donate the children’s organs, as the tests made to the little Angel confirmed what doctors feared from the first moment: That his beating was a savage torture that left the child brain dead. CORVERSE The grandmother of the little angel, who has not left the ICU of PAGNI for a minute, where the child is being treated said that he would like the little angel’s heart to beat another child… The decision to transplant organs is Grandma and Grandpa’s, since custody was removed from the mother. According to cretapost, in the next few days, perhaps hours, it is expected that the child’s organs will be tested to establish that if they are in a condition that can be transplanted. “We are in contact with the National Transplant Organization so that if it is possible to proceed with organ transplantation. But that’s not that simple. We need to see, with specific tests, whether the vital organs of the child have no alterations,” the commander of PAGNI, George Chalkiadakis said. CORVERSE George Chalkiadakis, speaking on ANT1 TV, revealed that Grandma signed Monday morning to give the children’s organs, hearts and kidneys to save other children. Finally, she noted that the child’s grandmother asked to know the child to whom her grandson’s heart will go, but which is forbidden.
Heraklion: Checking the organs of the little Angel begins – Grandma signed for the transplant
in Greece