A beautiful little boy acquired with the help of science in 54 years Helen Savvidos, Greek sister of the Greek family. Today’s 56-year-old Helen Savidou, who lives and works in Pennsylvania, USA, was the central figure of the 1st Greek Health Tourism Forum, held in Manhattan, New York on Tuesday (19/11/24) with the participation of Greek doctors and journalists 20 months ago she became the mother of a healthy boy, achieving the coveted motherhood thanks to the opportunity that science gave her to prolong her ability to father. Helen Savido’s personal route resembles that of thousands of women who decide that they want a child at an older age. Electrical engineer with specialization in outdoor lighting, focused for years on her career, living between America, Dubai and Cyprus. She was so absorbed that she never understood when the years of fertility passed for her, as she says. At 47, she began to think of motherhood, but physical conception was difficult. He was 54 years old when he addressed Dr. Constantine Always in Greece, determined to test the PRP method and the natural cycle process. “I realized that, no matter how important my career was, the lack of a child was a big gap in my life. When I found out I was pregnant, I started crying. At first I didn’t, because I was afraid of age criticism. But I gave birth and my life changed. Age doesn’t matter as much as a woman’s physical and emotional condition. I would gladly do it again,” he confessed to journalists on the margins of the Forum. Her pregnancy then, which she had placed on the Virgin Mary, as she said, evolved smoothly. “I was born naturally, and I am grateful for my doctor, who made my dream come true. Today, every day I look forward to coming home to see my son, George”, he confesses. The PRP method is Greek The problem with older women who are in a stairwell or have a period interruption is that they do not respond to stimulative treatments. In the PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) method for ovarian regeneration, blood plasma is used. The PRP activates the ovaries, offering a solution in many cases. “Older women circle, because their ovaries do not respond to drug stimulation to produce eggs,” stresses the initiator of the method obstetrician – gynecologist, Dr Constantine Pantos and continues: “We use platelets and stimulate the ovaries and rejuvenate the ovaries. They are women who are either in a stairwell, or have stopped their period, but not for a long time”, he points out. The innovative PRP method, which started in Greece in 2016 has attracted the interest of international clinics, with the Greek example becoming global. The method was even published in the scientific press and specifically in the New Scientist. “Great IVF clinics in America sent specialists for training in our method. The method is now adopted by doctors internationally,” added Dr. Pantos. 1st Greek Health Tourism Forum: The international screening of Hippocrates Medicine In the 1st Greek Health Tourism Forum, the potential of Greece in the field of Health and Medical Tourism was presented. The President of the Greek Health Tourism Council (ELITOUR) , President of the Medical Association of Athens (ISA) George Patoulis , speaking about the interconnection of Greek universities with American, stressed the need to transmit knowledge to young doctors of Homogeneity, while the vice president of the World Hippocratic Institute of Physicians, Constantine Pantos, presented the Greek innovative methods in the preservation of fertility. In the same context the Greek mission visited the Greek consul in New York, Iphigenia Kanara and doctors from The Mount Sinai University Hospital, with whom exploratory discussions were held to establish a basis for scientific dialogue and research cooperation. Mission to USA: Janna Sulaki / iatropedia.gr
Helen Savidou: The Greek American who became a mother at 54 with the method of ovarian regeneration
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