He resigned the Σγουρίδης!

On top of the problems for the government, added…
that’s another one that listens to the name E. Σγουρίδης, the strain of the Independent Greeks is on the government in the position of deputy minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.
The deputy minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Networks, Panagiotis Σγουρίδης, for the sake of indignation, raised his resignation at the disposal of the prime minister, stated in a communication from the Press office of the prime minister.
As noted, the prime minister will deal with the matter as soon as he returns from the Summit in Brussels. This development is causing another serious problem for the government, as mr. Σγουρίδης is in the government from the side of the Independent Greeks, and it is not excluded that a possible dismissal of the cause government rift.
In accordance with information, the theme has already been a telephone contact of Alexis Tsipras from Brussels with Panos kammenos.
It all started when mr. Σγουρίδης speaking to the radio station Maximum 93.6 stated that Alexis Tsipras essentially misled the farmers, as they had done with previous prime ministers, Antonis Samaras and George Papandreou.
Yes, mr. Σγουρίδης said that politicians in Greece are not judged by their actions, but by what they say and said it with no sense that “if classes don’t vote”. Noting that he is the old breed in politics he stated, “not total of my words have to tell the truth. This is the truth”.
The question of the journalist of the radio broadcast if that means that Alexis Tsipras has misled the farmers, the deputy minister said: “like the previous, Zappeion 1, Zappeion 2, Zappeion 3”, meaning mr Samaras and adding “as the money there are” meaning mr. Papandreou.
Surprised the reporter who listened to the secretary of state to make a like report, he always asks again if mr Tsipras has misled the farmers and the Samaras to answer mr. Σγουρίδης “as Papandreou did before.”
Listen to the audio excerpt from the radio interview after the 12th minute
This interview caused the intense irritation of the palácio do planalto, with associates of the prime minister, seeking on the phone, mr. Σγουρίδη, which, however, is not found due to a tv presence. Finally he found the government’s representative which are required to proceed directly to a corrective notice.
In a telephone intervention mr Σγουρίδης on the show of Nikos Evangelatos Live News made it very clear that this statement was something that basically missed and then was out of context. As he stressed he did not mean what came out in the air.
Yes, mr. Σγουρίδης in an attempt to make amends, he stressed that the Greek prime minister is fighting tooth and nail to implement the agreement with their lenders, and to find a solution to the debt and, of course, to lead the country in growth. He stressed at the same time, that the acts of the government will be judged at the end of the four-year period.