He heard the Μπόλαρης from farmers of Himachal pradesh

O Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food, Marcos Μπόλαρης… attended today in an event known agricultural journal in the Beach of Katerini which was as a matter of awards to farmers. During the well-established speech in which he pointed out among other things that the government should give incentives to farmers to produce and in this way to get money in the country.
At that point several of the present farmers of Himachal pradesh the disapproved verbally. The speech stopped for a moment, but with the intervention of the ψυχραιμότερων the episode soon ended and the Minister continued his speech clearly annoyed.
But it is a bit of an oxymoron to people talking to the government for incentives time threatened the whole of the rural world with extinction by the harsh measures implemented by the government in view of the 3rd memorandum. And in the end, the… “house of the hanged man you don’t speak of rope,” hey, bro! AG


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