Harry Yakumatos for depression: You see everything in vain and black

‘ So we get the flow of everyday life, which, yes, we do the things that we have to do – than get ready and go – but ultimately we don’t have ourselves in the mirror. Harry Yakoumatos went on to confess on the “Everything for Our Life” show with Michael Kefalogiannis and talked about how he managed to cope with depression. CORVERSE “It does start in the morning. Where you’re on the covers and you don’t want to get up. You see everything a little in vain and black. At that time you start to realize that maybe something is wrong. And the more this feeling of blackness continues in your day and that things are not going well, it becomes more intense.” Haris Yakoumatos confessed and added: “The first symptoms were around 10 years. So we get the flow of everyday life, which, yes, we do the things that we have to do – than get ready and go – but ultimately we don’t have ourselves in the mirror. Until one day you wake up and say, what has happened? You may have gained extra weight and not noticed yourself, I had stopped exercising. In this search I began to see that I was getting black. It’s like you stop thinking and see everything black and lose the solutions. ‘ “It’s like it’s clouding your sight, having the glasses on and seeing everything black and in vain. Having everything in the world, money, love, fame, kids and not seeing it. We never regret it when we go to a specialist, but you have to find the person you will fit in because many don’t fit in and give up.” Haris Yakoumatos said.