Hallelujah …

Kostas Χρονόπουλου, Columnist – Σχολιογράφου
Finally it seems that we really are …. “matches lighted”/ brilliant / unique/ nothing of the sort. For laughter and for …
crying. That sounded that a huge issue such as that of Education, they were talking about … “pre-agenda” in one sitting. And this is not the whole of after being employed with the issues of corruption, cover-up, television licences, etc!
If it is possible! And yet it is … due to the seriousness, high IQ and a strong desire to finally become something for the chronically diseased Large Patient, Education.
But it was kind of the response speed, which is not only taken care of (P.P Unknown how) the whole issue, but the leftovers and time to exchange compliments with regard to the degrees of mr Heads, as well as how – in what way each of them conquered / acquired.
We also learned who send their offspring to private schools, while the …… they are fighting because they are – in their statement, of course – in favour of Public schools, and, always, in favour of the Public interest.
These minimum indicative, show that the (non-κουτόφραγκος) Νεοέλληνας ΕΘΝΟΓΟΝΕΑΣ is -mentally, morally, and in terms of effectiveness – it’s light-years ahead of every other.
Years and years spent – employing specialists and officials – other countries to make their educational reform. We do (together, and with other unrelated issues) within one (1) meeting! Prevailed excitement in the room of the House.
Others clapped, others they hugged, others were dancing …..τσάμικα. Lieutenant Education he exclaimed with solemnity Hallelujah! (P.P has Not yet crossed -I already checked – the information that, such was her enthusiasm for the Parliament, for the achievement, they unanimously decided to get dressed “altar boy” mr. Department/sional Education and hit the bells to the next Sunday.
Of course, if you consented to it, and his beatitude Archbishop).
Solved well (for all that? definitively and irrevocably) the problem of Education.
Within the week, ends and issues: Διαφθοροδιαπλοκής, television licences, a course of Religious and, if necessary, μεταμεσονυκτίως – to set and the λαθροπροσφυγομεταναστευτικό.
Sprayed, wipe, finished.
As for us, our αποβλάκωσαν, our finished.
PS When, a long time ago, I wrote that the former “Political entertainers” have degenerated / mutated in “Partisan ΚΛΑΥΣΙΓΕΛΩΤΟΠΟΙΟΥΣ” did you think I’m kidding or exaggerating.
Even believe it?
If yes … re-elect them (out of gratitude for the spectacle they offer, but especially for their effectiveness). Why you may be gullible /naive, but, in any case, a bunch of ingrates!