What we saw take place during the three-day period of the SYRIZA conference, it goes without saying that they do not honour any of its executives either on the “87” side or on the side of Stefanos Kasselakis. When he left SYRIZA’s leadership after 5 consecutive election defeats some spoke of a brave move on his part although still self-criticism has not been done by him or by the top members of the party who in the SYRIZA government – ANEL served as his ministers. This lack of self-criticism may have led to the defeats and the need of the world that believed in Syriza to seek a new person to touch. And that face was the death sentence for Syriza as we knew him. Alexis Tsipras, who also has a large share of responsibility for the accession of Stefanos Kasselakis to the party which made a party of power, was therefore absent from the conference of intersecting. It was like he never existed. Like he didn’t have his reins for 15 consecutive years. He didn’t even try to send a message, a last attempt to unite. And as he wants us to believe that no one speaks on his behalf his absence became even louder. It is said that he no longer wants to have anything to do with it and is organized for the “Next Day” with a foundation in the progressive space. And it reminds those managers who take a business, take it off, and yet when the downward course and decline begin because of them, they leave and go for others. But what he may not have taken into account is that the suits worn by the leaders cannot always be sewn up in their measure but they need brave moves even if they are wrinkled. Some of the great leaders’ suits were always narrow.
Great leaders are judged in details – Such a loud absence
in Opinion