Great Britain: Immigrants have triple chances of committing sexual offences – First on list, Albanians

Sense evokes data on foreigners by nationality in , where according to the data published by Telegraph, immigrants have more than three times the chance of being arrested for sexual offences than British citizens. Police made more than 9,000 arrests of foreigners for sexual offences between January and October last year in Great Britain, writes the British crime instrument. CORVERSE Arrests for sexual offences – 41 of the 43 police forces of England and Wales – accounted for one quarter (26.1%) of the estimated total number of 35,000 arrests, according to the analysis of the Immigration Control Center. According to the think tank – using evidence from police authorities, the Ministry of Interior and the Bureau of National Statistics (ONS) – foreigners had three and a half times more chances of being arrested for sexual offences than the British. This was based on a percentage of nearly 165 arrests per 100,000 of the migrant population versus 48 per 100,000 for the British. CORVERSE Foreign nationals were arrested twice as much as the British for all crimes, representing 131,000 arrests in the first 10 months of last year. Although they accounted for 9% of the population, foreign nationals accounted for 16.1% of all arrests, according to data released under the Freedom of Information laws. The crime classification table places Albanians as the nationality most likely to be arrested—following Afghans, Iraqis, Algerians, and Somalis. Tories MPs call on both the conservative government and the Labour government to follow Denmark and some US states to be able to draw up tables with the crime rates of the countries’ immigrants. Shadow Justice Minister Robert Jenrick was among those who requested such evidence that the Interior Ministry could strengthen visa policies and deportations for nationalities associated with higher crime rates in the United Kingdom. Members are expected to make similar amendments to immigration and penalties legislation to be submitted to Parliament by Kir Starmer. ‘To create an immigration and criminal justice system that serves the interests of the British public, policy makers need this information. There is not a good reason why the Ministry of Justice should not publish them fully, with absolute transparency, on a regular basis,” Jenrik points out. The analysis of the Immigration Control Center showed that between January and October last year there were 23.9 arrests per 1,000 for immigrants compared to 12 per 1,000 for the British. The rate increased to 3.5 for sex crimes. For all crimes, Romanians represented most arrests with 11,678 and followed by Poles (9583), Albanians (5,665), Indians (5,414), Pakistanis (4,171), Nigerians (3,317), Lithuanians (3,253) and Iranians (3,000). Robert Bates, founder and research director of the Immigration Control Centre, told Telegraph: “There should not be a single foreign national in the United Kingdom who violates our laws. Not one. Yet, somehow we have over 10,000 foreign nationals in Britain prisons, many more in custody or released from prison in the community, and a donkey of repeated offenders we cannot deport. If the Ministry of Interior were seriously committed to the welfare of the British public, it would seek, without hesitation, to address this problem by introducing much stricter visa protocols for nationalities with a disproportionately high trend for crime.”