GRAVE: they Created a hybrid human -pig? – We finally… [photos+video]

In dangerous paths led Humanity as it attempts to invade the “sanctuary of Life” and create new beings like…
“god,” for the good always.
A team of scientists has announced that it produced artificially embryos of swine that have the human cells, in a new step towards the future creation of animals whose organs could be transplanted into people.
To create this, human pluripotent stem cells were introduced into the fetal pig, which is then implanted into a sow for a period of up to one month (after the embryos were removed for study, before there is birth). Currently, the procedure is minimally effective, as well, as shown by the experiments, from 2.075 embryos that were implanted, only the 186 continued to grow inside the female pigs.
But, on the other hand, there were clear indications that the human cells were operating within the pigs, although they comprised only a small part of the animal. There are, however, still indications that the human cells integrated into the developing brain of the pig (whatever that might mean in terms of intelligence!).
“This is the first time that human cells grow in a large animal, especially if you consider that humans and pigs have been separated evolutionarily for a very long time,” said the head researcher, professor Juan Carlos Ιζπιζούα Μπελμόντε of the Institute of Biological Sciences Salk of California, who made the relevant publication in the journal of cell biology “Cell”.
As he said himself, “it was just the first important step” and stressed that there is still a “long distance”, until it becomes possible to develop human organs inside animals. Until then, this creation is considered to be useful for testing new drugs before it is tested in patients, for the study of new human diseases, for a better understanding of the development of human embryos, etc.
Apart from the pigs, the cows look even more suitable animal for the creation of a hybrid people, because the κύησή lasts for nine months.
On the contrary, the pregnancy of the pig is much more quick (it takes less than four months), with the result that the embryonic cells of the pig to grow at a much faster rate than the human. But in the case of cows, the growth rate is the same.
At present, the research on hybrid human-animal is not allowed to create an embryo who will live for over a month. Scientists don’t consider it to be mature the moment to leave to be born something.
“You don’t have to do anything science can do. We don’t live isolated in the laboratory, but we live with other people and the society have to decide what we can do,” said Μπελμόντε.
“The goal is not to create a monster, but to help due to the global shortage of organs for transplant,” said principal investigator dr. Jun Wu.
But the sceptics are afraid, among other things, that the transfer of human characteristics to animals will degrade the dignity of human beings, what it means to be human. Although some -more pessimistic about human nature – would add that it can be diminished and the dignity of the animals…
