His intention to submit a proposal for targeting the Deputy Minister despite Prime Minister Christos Triantopoulos for his handling in Tembis commented government sources. “We await its proposal and details. Moreover, on this issue the government has already been placed,” they stressed sources from the Maximus Palace. It is recalled that the PASOK-Movement of Change announced that it is tabling a proposal for a special parliamentary committee to conduct a preliminary examination “in order to investigate any criminal responsibilities of the deputy minister at the time at issue with Prime Minister Christos Triantopoulos in accordance with Article 86(3) of the Constitution and Articles 153 et seq. of the Rules of Procedure of the House regarding the alteration of the place of the Tempes tragedy, which took place from 3/3/2023 onwards”, as stated in the statement by the main opposition party. CORVERSE The proposal is based “on the study of the case-file and in particular of the 15.7.2024 in-depth findings of the Prosecutor of Appeals Larisa”, it is highlighted in the announcement of PASOK-KINAL and at the same time notes that it bears a very heavy responsibility for hiding these data from the House’s plenary session the former Speaker of the House and proposed by the New Democracy as a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Constantine Tasoulas. “It is inconceivable to consider the finding of a supreme court as an additional element,” he adds. “Mr. Tasoulas is as exposed as the prime minister who does not withdraw him from the election process of the MTD after such self-evident anti-institutional methods,” emphasises PASOK-KINAL in his announcement. He adds that “Mr. Triantopoulos – suddenly the leaks in the press want to go out of government in the next reform – is a close associate of the Prime Minister. It is no coincidence that in a provocative way the government majority refused the opposition’s persistent demands to be called upon to testify to the Committee of Inquiry, and although, according to the announcement, he is “directly involved in the “trouble”, his absence from daily “passarda” ministers in television shows is impressive.” “Who instructed Mr. Triantopoulos to undertake coordination for the “restore of the field” after the tragedy? Where and why are you hiding your close partner, Mr. Mitsotakis?”, concludes Harilaou Trikoupi’s announcement.
Government for PASOK’s Preliminary Review of Tempes: We await the proposal and its details
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