GNI: Share capital increase of EUR 9 million

AEK FC has announced a share capital increase of EUR 9 million since December 9th. In particular, at an extraordinary general meeting of AEK shareholders held on 9 December 2024, it was decided to increase the share capital to EUR 9,000,000, as 100,000 new shares of a nominal value of EUR 3.5 and a issue price of EUR 90 per share were issued, as reported in GEMI (General Commercial Registry). CORVERSE The relevant post “With the decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders from 09.12.2024 it was decided to increase the share capital by the amount of nine million euros (9,000,000 €), with the issue of one hundred thousand (100.000) new shares of nominal value of three and a half euros (3.50€) each and an issue price of ninety euros (90.00 €) per share. At the same time as the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders, the nominal reduction of the share capital by the amount of two million six hundred and ten thousand four hundred and forty-seven euros (€ 2,610,447) was decided by reducing the nominal value of the Company’s common and privileged shares by the amount of two euros and ten minutes (€ 2,10) – i.e. from three and a half euros (€3.5) to one euro and forty minutes (1,40) each, in accordance with Article 29 of Law 4548/2018, by netting equal accumulated losses of past uses of the Company.”