Giselle Peliko: In late 2025 the new trial at the appeal court – Appeal practiced 17 rapists of

Seventeen of the men found guilty of Giselle’s Pelician appealed against the convictions and the case that shocked both international and international public opinion will be brought to a second trial. In Nim’s appeals court in France, in late 2025, the new trial for the case of Giselle Pelician victim of multiple rape is expected to be held for a decade by her husband Dominique Pelico and other dozens of unknown men. CORVERSE As Dominique Pelico has become known, convicted of drugging and raping his ex-wife Giselle Pelic in a case that has shocked France, he made the decision not to appeal as opposed to the 17, out of 51, his co-defendants. In particular after the verdict of the Avignon criminal court was passed on 19 December 2024, 17 of 51 accused of the rapes of 72-year-old Giselle appealed against the preliminary ruling but not her husband Dominique Pelico. It is recalled that the court imposed on Giselle rapists Pelician prison sentences from 3 to 18 years while Dominique Pelicos, the main defendant and arranger of his ex-wife’s rapes, was sentenced to 20 years in prison – the maximum sentence prescribed by the law in France for the offence of rape. CORVERSE 72-year-old Dominique Pelico did not appeal against the preliminary ruling, according to the statement of his advocate Beatrice Zavarro because he did not want to trouble his ex-wife any more. Why did Dominique Pelico not appeal? According to reports from BFMTV, the new trial for serial rapes of drugged Giselle Pelic for 10 years will be held at the Court of Appeals of Nim (city near Avignon, southern France) in the last months of 2025. The 17 defendants will be tried this time three regular judges and nine jury, who will be selected by lottery. Avignon’s criminal court, which first tried the multi-prone case, consisted of five regular judges. Beatrice Zavarro’s advocate stated on December 30 that a second trial for Pelico in the court of appeal “would put Giselle in a new hardship and new confrontations” and her client refuses to subject his ex-wife to this test.” According to Peliko’s defense attorney he is 72 years old and wants to put an end to this legal case. However, the former husband, rapist and arranger of Giselle’s rapes, should attend the court of appeal, since he is certain to be called to testify by the advocates of the 17 defendants and both lawyers of Giselle, Stefan Baboneau and Antoine Camy. Beatrice Zavarro’s lawyer has no right to take the floor when her colleagues ask questions to her client, but said she would be on his side within the courtroom. “The fact that Dominique Pelico will not appeal changes anything for her,” said Giselle’s lawyer Stefan Baboneau and stressed that the 72-year-old is not afraid to face those of the defendants who appealed against the preliminary ruling, although she would prefer it all to be over on December 19. “Zizel Peliko is not afraid of a second trial” Stefan Baboneau’s lawyer had stressed after the end of the historical trial which she described as a “hard test”. “If it happens, he has already told us that he will face it – if he is healthy, obviously, since he is a lady who is now 72 years old,” he said.