Giannis Stankoglou: I was told to go to Cyprus for series with good money and I didn’t do it

‘ I am not only doing this job for money,” said the actor. Giannis Stankoglou interviewed Weekenders and Thanasis Patras and spoke about the Archelau 5 series on ERT that is completed prematurely and about the great success of the island. CORVERSE “Comedy is difficult, it wants partner. Now that I’m in Archelau 5, I’m really happy to be able to improvise. We had signed 80 episodes, it didn’t go as well as we expected. It is completed where we signed,” Giannis Stankoglou first said. “I was 10 years away from television after Island. I didn’t like it! We had raised the bar so high for Greek television that most of us didn’t do after television. With what they suggested, I was not appalled,” he said. “In that time I was told to go to Cyprus for shows with good money and I didn’t, I have no regrets. I am not doing this job just for money,” he said.