Georgiades for protected witnesses Novartis: I want to know who put them.

With the revelation of who the protected witnesses in the case open a new circle with the Minister of Health heralding lawsuits. According to what Adonis Georgiades said at the Open about the protected witnesses of the Novartis case “my purpose is to find out who put them up”. “I have always had confidence in justice. The institution of the protected witness is affected if this property is given to people who should not. Here we have two people who have taken the protection provided for by the law and whose complaints have all proved to be false. So what hits the institution more? To give a prosecutor this quality to liars and slanderers or finally to have justice treat this damage?” said Adonis Georgiadis. “If anyone has a responsibility it is Helen Toulupaki” The Minister of Health launched a fire against Prosecutor Eleni Tulupaki… “If one does have a responsibility for this blow to the institution, he is the prosecutor, Mrs. Toulupaki who without looking, gave this status to persons who had absolutely no real evidence to contribute to the case. Because if they had any real evidence, there would have been prosecutions to not say convictions,” he continued. As Mr Georgiades also pointed out: “This case from yesterday begins from the beginning. The plot case is reopened. People will be called to justice to answer. I’m going to ask my lawyer to bring her out of the file and testify. So they will be called very closely to Greek justice with a key question. Who had them say it?”. “Someone put him up” He avoided saying if there was any political finger in the case and commented… “I don’t want to speculate. We’re at a point where everything will come out in the light. The (protected witnesses) must tell a court who had them say them. They can’t keep quiet in court. They’ll say everything, what the DA told them, who caught them, how they did it, how they thought about it. Now, if you’re telling me that I seriously believe that a Mr. Philistor, an arch-con incarcerated fraud, has suddenly thought of fighting corruption and accusing me of taking $2 million from the ministry, which I haven’t even taken Greek coffee, I don’t believe. Someone put him up.” Adonis Georgiadis did not hide that he wants to know who put him not for revenge, as he said, but to ensure that in the future someone will act in similar ways. “Every case, when there is new evidence reopens, with two people having to say what happened. It’s not revenge that raises me. But facing the essence of trying to use the institution of the protected witness to overthrow the democratic culture, we must reach the end. Not for revenge, but to ensure that one will never in the future attempt in such ways to intervene in the electoral process, political correlations. If these people go to court and tell the truth, and say what happened, I’ll drop the lawsuits. My purpose is not to get money. I’m gonna find out who put them in. This is the major”. Regarding the Tsipras statement he said “this statement shows that they had political control over the case. It strengthens the plot scenario the Tsipras statement, does not reduce it.”