His answer was given by one after the reactions caused by the performance of the song “Forbidden” in front of many minor children, at the beginning of the Elf Mill” in Trikala. Since George Tsalikis sang this “forbidden” song in front of young children in Trikala, a crowd began judging him for this move with him answering social media. “You’re not tired of exaggerations and lies? On yesterday’s wonderful live at the Elves Mill that’s exactly what happened. People asked me and I said “forbidden”. The first half hour of the concert. No one protested, no one was left stunned, no Mayor was angry. All lies. Then it became the usual, the new woman’s show that raged since the morning and the Reptile Mill was created. Meanwhile, I didn’t talk to them when they called me, first of all why I don’t like them, and secondly why a young family friend left in the evening and I didn’t feel like engaging again in unsupposed cheapness,” the singer wrote in his post. Nikos Sakka, who allegedly thinks even legally to move against the singer.
George Tsalikis responds to the reactions for “Forbidden”: “People asked me”
in Lifestyle