“Gen. Chester A. Arthur” Portrait Collar Box, ca. 1880
Image by Cornell University Library
(Title) WHAT TO DO FOR THE CONTROL WHEN THE biggest scandal WHO DONE legally and older KLEFTES … IS elected by the people themselves ;;;;
conducting 10 audits in TEI, hospitals, municipalities and others ordered into today . Papakonsntantinou C. Finance.
The tests will be done in an effort to restore transparency in public financial management and public sector. Among the municipalities, which will be checked, and he is in Thessaloniki.
Controls are further to complaints from citizens or in cooperation with relevant bodies such as the Court Commissioner and Inspector General of Public Administration.
also ordered 25 inquiries – SAD officials in financial services, both the central ministry and regional offices as WHO, customs and brokerage services.
is investigating complaints relating to bribery and illicit enrichment, irregular operations control non-reporting control deficiencies in management controls, failure to exercise duties and specific measures to protect the foreshore and extending surveyed persons for criminal illegal VAT refund in Northern Greece.
Even on non-collection of duties and trafficking textiles from China, an irregular supply of duty free fuel, illegal no displaced person, leakage of personal data, publication of false AFE and abetting an issue of false VAT returns etc.
Prallila, ordered inspections assets where there had been a element of the unfair enrichment.
also noted the mandate of monitoring assets and staff brought in the investigation of the Examination Committee of the House as being involved in the case of Siemens.
The Finance Ministry says determined to not let leaks from control transparency and legitimacy either within their own departments and steadily explore known and anonymous complaints (PBX 1517) and to restore the credibility of these services in the framework of legality and equal treatment of citizens.
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McKinley-Theodore Roosevelt Campaign and Inaugural Items, ca. 1900-1901
Image by Cornell University Library
Cleveland-Thurman “Our Candidates 1888” Portrait Handkerchief
Image by Cornell University Library