General Assembly Union of Entrepreneurs Of Apartments and Rooms. Heraklion “PHILOXENIA”

The members of the Union of Entrepreneurs Of Apartments and Rooms. Heraklion “PHILOXENIA” was honored with…
their presence at the annual General Meeting , which was held on Monday 23/1/2017 at the Chamber of Heraklion.
During the assembly adopted the administrative and financial report of the 2016, was presented the new upgraded website of the Union , the program of collection of statistical data, exchanged views, and at the end was the cutting of the cake.
The president of the Union, mr Christodoulakis said: “I Feel the need to publicly thank our members that with the massive participation of the honored assembly and to commit to them that the entire BOARD will continue to work for the common good of all of us. While I would like to thank the Federation and the president of the mr. Αγιομυργιαννάκη Manolis personally, for the organization of the event as well as the president of the Panhellenic Confederation mr Τοκούζη Panagiotis and C. Secretary-general, mr. Efthimios Dimitris for the price that they gave us to attend and to inform us personally about the current issues.”