From absolutism to the ασυδοκρατία, a perpetual power game

Panos Χατζηγεωργιάδη, music Composer, Writer and Journalist
“If one studies history, opens a window to the future”, I take note of it somewhere. It is a fact that history, whether it relates to the…
global or local, only repeated. The statements return
usually with other actors and extras per the decades and
centuries even, but in substance relate to the same project, a project
which is given daily and perpetually in the theatre of life.
The situations which the country finds itself, and the general
world situation, is the result of certainly some of the long-term
processes, social, political, ethical, cultural, and
μετεξελίξως of the individuals which constitute willy-nilly a
society. Nobody woke up one day and said, “now is the crisis”,
on the contrary, what ονοματίζουμε general terms as “crisis” and referred to
usually in the economic degradation and the deterioration of consumer
our power, has a lot of much deeper causes.
The thorough and continuous study of history, presenting us with the need to
export of specific conclusions that may be us
help you to assess better and more εμπεριστατομένα this,
but to better establish our course in the near and distant
future. There is a clear trend with a social orientation, which
I have identified temporal and diatopic and is the current
the central idea, around the development of this article which
The central idea concerns me today is, as otherwise te reports
obviously the title is none other than the transition with a phase difference
some decades, possibly, from authoritarianism in
ασυδοκρατία and vice versa.
This phenomenon, which I define primarily as a social with
extensions to two-way in the relationship individual – society, is not something
unprecedented in the human history, recorded or not. It is
a magazine phenomenon which, as it seems, follows the
human nature and the στοιχείωνει decisively, in the attempt of
own αυτοεξέλιξης.
Unfortunately almost never men and our societies, regardless of
of the various choices, do not learn from the mistakes of the past
and so therefore, we once again once again (and
this is a μεσομακροπρόθεση my estimation, and in which I have
been reported before), from the current ασυδοκρατία the so-called
λαικιστικώς and as a “republic”, in the arms of totalitarianism, the
rise or even the harboring of local nationalism as a counter-measure to that
is happening around and in the effort to control the same system
brought about by the ασυδοκρατία, αρχετυπικής behaviour of the people who
is none other than the need for closed societies.
So the scholars – rulers of human nature, conduct and carry
peoples and individuals, from the full prevalence of lawlessness in the
absolutely clear control, to fascism of the “Big brother”. The
Αριστοτελικόν “Φύσειν Ορέγεσθαί”, the mimicry, the κακοαναπτυγμένες
personalities through one-on a technicality of a failing system
απαιδείας, the lazy attitude, the need for membership in a group because
the man known to act as a creature of social, χρηστιμοποιούνται so
to throw the man incompetent and in thrall to the canvas,
using the same of the weaknesses, which have
been studied thoroughly.
So we ourselves will seek in the general insecurity,
lawlessness, dissolution of all things, the embrace of totalitarianism. It’s not
no τυχαίον and bring it to you as an example, how the bad guy’s way of living
in the West, has turned many westerners, in particular, new to the
fundamentalism of Islam in Great Britain, it is also
random our own situation of the last few decades, with the seven years
and the forty-two years βολευτικής ασυδοκρατίας which the
followed and destroyed generations ολάκερες modern Greek.
The destroyed mainly συνειδησιακώς. I’ll let you leave them? we are capable of
to stop them in any way? and in τέλλει who is the
worst enemy beyond the evil of our own, which daily
we breed abandoning the higher man dead, in a
a cyclone of negative developments, not only for Greece, but also the
world. We are capable in τέλλει to stand protagonists in the theatre
concerning our own life or we will live as extras provincial
company where that’s going around isn’t about us?