“Sorry” from his family asked Dominique Pelic, in the last act of the trial before the jury withdrew to issue their historical verdict on the massive case of his mass wives, Giselle Pelico, for ten years by him and dozens of strangers, held inside their home in . After two and a half months of discussion, the rape trial in the small village of Mazan in France enters its final phase, with the prosecution, represented by Jean-François Mayet and Laure Chabaud, to have the heavy duty to personalise the penalties for each of the 51 defendants, Dominique Pelico and his 50 defendants on the other, men aged 26 to 74. If most are prosecuted for the same events, namely the rape of Peliko, and therefore face a prison sentence of up to 20 years, Justice should take into account the personal background of each individual. It should distinguish between those who came only once, to sexually attack the Peliko, and “repeated offenders”. Then, after the indictment, a series has Thursday, November 28, the defense, starting with Mrs. Zavarro, attorney for Dominique Pelico. Speeches will follow concerning co-rapporteurs and will last until 13 December. Finally, there will be a week left for the five judges to discuss, with the verdict expected by December 20 at the latest. Jean-François Mayet is the first prosecutor to speak. “Out of the ordinary” are the first words that came to mind when we were assigned the work of practicing criminal prosecution,” the prosecutor begins, referring to this prosecution which is “double” to the “scale of investigation and preliminary examination”, to the “31 months of procedure” and to the “59 volumes pension”. Then the prosecutor pays tribute to Giselle Peliko, “you who asked for nothing more than to enjoy your family in this house that had become their cottage for your children and grandchildren. These celebrations could not be held without the presence of your husband Dominique Pelico.” “Once again, I welcome your courage and dignity,” Jean-François Mayet continued, talking about ‘protective approach’ when he asked for the trial to be held at the beginning of closed doors. “This was done without knowing the strength of your character and your admirable resilience. “I do not forget your children, their husbands and grandchildren. I know there are many questions left.” For prosecutors, the defendants went to the Peliko house for “an easy sexual act”. The prosecutor is now turning to the gravity of this trial, which “tarassed our society”. “Everyone went there to have sex with this woman, exclusively for that. An easy sexual relationship, in which the other person’s position is nonexistent, even if only because it has been assigned to an object. At what point did they ask themselves the question of consensus? Not before, not during, not after. No complaint was made to get this woman off this criminal circuit.” For the prosecutor, the social debate will not be settled in this trial. “Today, the prosecutor’s role is to remind law, its content and to seek its fair application”.
France: “The defendants went to the Pelico house for an easy sexual act,” prosecutors at the trial said
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