France: 20 Years Prison for Dominique Peliko requested by the prosecutor

Twenty years in prison for Dominic Pelic, who drugged his wife for nearly ten years to rape her himself and dozens of unknown men, suggested the prosecutor at the trial for Giselle Pelic in “The maximum sentence is 20 years of imprisonment, which is at the same time very long and very small,” said Laure Chabaud and continued: “It is great because 20 years in prison is something for any man and small if considered in light of the seriousness of his actions,” the prosecutor said regarding the multiple rapes of the 72-year-old today Giselle in the village of Mazan in France. He further pointed out that “We are bound by this ceiling for the penalty”. The prosecutor also requested 10 years of supervision of Peliko by psychologists and review of his condition at the end of his sentence. As he recalled, the criminal danger by Dominique Pelicos has been judged “very high” by experts. Referring to Dominique Pelico’s actions as well as his co-defendants he told him that “the situation of Giselle Pelico which was like being in a coma, should have been alarmed.” “The rape is characterized by this lack of consensus” she added by rejecting the claim that Giselle Pelico could take on her own initiative anxiety: “What satisfaction could he get from this, not to mention the side effects of the next day?”. “Really, we should blame Giselle Pelician and her children because they couldn’t decode what was going on in their lives? Should we add to the trauma of treason and guilt that they did not see or thought the unthinkable?” the prosecutor asked. Regarding his co-conspirators Dominique Pelico Jean-François Mayet, said: “Everyone went there to have sex with this woman and that alone. where the other part does not exist and has been degraded to the role of the object. Have they ever wondered if there was a consensus? They did not do it before, during, or after.” “No surprise” commented Peliko’s lawyer “We knew very well that we were and that we are the common denominator of these sex scenes that took place between 2011 and 2020,” said Béatrice Zavarro, Dominique Peliko’s lawyer on BFMTV. “We knew inevitably that the indictment would bring the maximum penalty. There is no surprise” he commented. “There is a little more surprise about the reasons for the indictment, where I have the impression that the prosecutor decided to move away somewhat from Dominique Pelico’s personality,” she added, showing that her client was “desperate”. Information from BFMTV