The Alert for Santorini marked days before the outbreak of seismic activity. According to News of Nikos Evangelatos at MEGA, for 10 days the Minister of Civil Protection and Climate Change Vassilis Kikilias informed Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis about the possibility of an escalation as earthquakes persisted around the volcano of Santorini since September. He also showed him the operational plans that were already ready. That is why the first forces of the state apparatus were secretly sent and the monitoring of seismic activity intensified. Since Saturday morning when suspicious pitchers began, mobilisation has developed. Tsunami Night left additional forces, vehicles, groups of scientists etc. Other seismographs (anhydrous island) were placed. Scenes were set up, precautionary measures were announced to residents (to empty the pools etc.), activated in 112, closed schools until Friday, banned meetings, strict recommendations were made for fishermen not to go to sea because there is fear of tsunami etc. Open Line The Prime Minister has full information on all scenarios. He’s on an open line with the Minister of Civil Protection. Yesterday they were informed of all developments while at the informal summit in Brussels. The government plays its change. All the lights are on Santorini, this global jewel. State readiness will be a critical test, at a time when the climate is very heavy by Tempes. ‘Fast’ The Prime Minister’s mandate to his ministers is “quickly proceed with government work, good discussions but the important thing is implementation”. He considers that by fulfilling the commitments he has made he will be able to mitigate negative impressions from the image of the cover-up of the national tragedy of the Tembes that the government was responsible for consolidated into public opinion. They’re looking for the counselor! Now another kitty started in the South. They are looking for the person who advised Kyriakos Mitsotakis to give the interview for the Tempes last Wednesday. I didn’t understand what they were suggesting. Have hundreds of thousands of civilians taken to the streets for the Tempes and the Prime Minister not come out to give answers? To accept the criticism that this interview with assumptions on errors should have given it sooner. He didn’t do it in the next five of the findings. Struthokamelism Some answers to self-evident questions yes, he should have prepared them better. But the “disappeared Prime Minister” is ostrichism. They should be looking for those who did not advise him to embrace the relatives of the victims from the first moment and promise them that he will move earth and heaven to get answers to the “why” that torment them… Balaki Again in the same play spectators. He started a responsibilities ball as to which ministry is responsible for making contact with the airlines and ferry companies carrying tourists and residents of Santorini who leave from concern about a major earthquake. Ticket prices are high. Under-Minister of Transport Vassilis Economou told the House in response to PASOK, who put the issue of expensive tickets on the agenda, that it would be seen by Transport but is also the responsibility of the Ministry of Development. The Ministry of Development or any other ministry that has jurisdiction keeps quiet fish. If they’re going to interfere when are they going to? After the earthquakes? Pressing The Opposition appears determined not to leave the government on a green branch for the Tempes. Pressing is also parliamentary. He began bombarding topical questions (two filed yesterday by the president of the Freedom of Life of Constantinople to the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Civil Protection). The President of Syriza Socrates Famellus by letter to Parliament Speaker Nikitas Kaklamanis asked yesterday for the immediate planning of the pre-daily debate on the crime in Tempes, following the request made by Syriza-PS. He even points out that it has already been a week since his testimony and the debate has not even been introduced into Parliament’s programming, “although new shocking revelations about the circumstances of the accident are coming to light and society’s reaction to government cover-up plans is universal.” PASOK’s motion of disbelief will follow. Second thoughts The government’s initial thinking was the pre-daily debate to be planned after the publication of the findings of the EMP and the National Aviation and Transport Accident Investigation Agency, early March. But it can’t be rushed. If explanations are to be given by the Prime Minister himself who now takes the Tembis on him. He will also give a new interview to Nikos Hatzinikolaou on Thursday. Apart from protocol At the celebration of Kalamata’s patron on Sunday, where Messinians Prokopis Pavlopoulos, former President of Democracy, Antonis Samaras, former Prime Minister and Parliament Speaker Nikitas Kaklamanis, MP Miltos Chrysomallis and others, appeared Stefanos Kasselakis. As his party has no team in parliament there was no protocol to hold him in front. But it didn’t have to be because the president of the Republic Movement preferred to stay in the yard and chat with civilians. Son Samara Many scenarios are heard of a possible descent into the politics of Kostas Samaras, the son of the former Prime Minister. Claim a seat in Messinia which is also his father’s constituency (although Antonis Samaras has been removed from the NW). But the latest information says he will be leaving for graduate studies in the US for two years. So the other MPs and candidates were breathing because the former Prime Minister has power in his country.
For 10 days Kikilias informed Mitsotakis of Santorini parliamentary presing to the government for Tembis probably not running for Samaras