Five myths about mothers who work from home

The work from home is not always as attractive as it seems.Not for all the women at least…
Is undoubtedly a solution for women who want to work but can’t part with their child for emotional and economic reasons. But there’s a lot of …myths surrounding working from home. Who are these people?
Work from home paid normally.
Depends on the type and form of work. There are women who are poorly paid for the hours they work while others are dissatisfied, but they continue because they need the money.
Many mothers work from home I need help with the kids.
A working mother always is in need of help. The needs of everyday life are many and usually the burden always falls to the mother.
Working from home gives flexibility for business not only in the house and other obligations ( e.x.walk the dog).
The possibility of flexibility of working hours is a function with the type of work. However, if there is a program, it may be that the working mother to work for more hours than if you worked outside the home.
The working woman is not much different than working outside the home.
This means that many jobs will not be always on time and you will need the assistance of the other members of the family.
Work from home has only advantages or only disadvantages.
Every woman chooses or is compatible with those bearing and can!